Saturday, April 14, 2007
This weekend's weather has postponed my trip over to visit with Rachel. I'm going now Wed and Th and head back to ME on Friday. It's nice to have the week off from school. I haven't been back to VT since Daddy's funeral. Rachel has has to move into a different, less expensive apartment. It's in the same bldg. in S. Burlington though. Hope the weather goes back to warmish. It's expected to up here.
Friday, April 13, 2007
I was sliding through channels this evening and a show called The Riches caught my eye. The reason being they were at a high school reunion. They had these great name tags that had their senior class photos on them. Yum.
What do you think? Too much?????????
I do think it might be fun to have a photo collage . Surely we have pictures hanging around that we could share that would be fun. Not strictly our classmates but even ones including our mate mates as long as the phonto was from days gone by. What made me think of this was that I came accros a spectacular photo of David and I with Janice and Butch in Barnard at our family camp. Colin kept saying, is that Tom Selleck??? Of course since my hubby is in the photo that means it was several years after high school, but my we did look young. And little.
What do you think? Too much?????????
I do think it might be fun to have a photo collage . Surely we have pictures hanging around that we could share that would be fun. Not strictly our classmates but even ones including our mate mates as long as the phonto was from days gone by. What made me think of this was that I came accros a spectacular photo of David and I with Janice and Butch in Barnard at our family camp. Colin kept saying, is that Tom Selleck??? Of course since my hubby is in the photo that means it was several years after high school, but my we did look young. And little.
Happy Birthday from me, too, Richard! Mine's coming up soon, too--April 22. You can all subtract a few years from mine, too, for good behavior....
No snow here, but yesterday was REALLY windy. The power went out at Avi's business, so most of them left early. I still went hiking with my friend, though--fallen branches all over the trail.
Patti, we have an empty nest now as of a few weeks ago. My middle son and his girlfriend moved into their own apartment. It's empty, but they all come by a lot, so I haven't had time to feel the emptiness! (Or enjoy it!)
No snow here, but yesterday was REALLY windy. The power went out at Avi's business, so most of them left early. I still went hiking with my friend, though--fallen branches all over the trail.
Patti, we have an empty nest now as of a few weeks ago. My middle son and his girlfriend moved into their own apartment. It's empty, but they all come by a lot, so I haven't had time to feel the emptiness! (Or enjoy it!)
Well Richard, Happy belated birthday to you! Remember that some of us got in the boat before you and are doing just fine. No sudden additional aches or grey hairs. Just the continuing steady decline....................Ooops, is it time for the "You're as young as you feel." speech? My dad used to say it was just the pills he took every morning keeping him alive. I always replied then keep taking them.
The heavy wet snow is making a mess of spring up north here. Branches are coming down and I get to spend a school snow day waiting to hear from kevin that he made it back to Potland all right. Motherhood, what a pain. I've always been a worry wart and I imagine I always will be when it comes to my "babies".
Colin is planning to move to Portland also. Dave and I will finally be official empty nesters. I don't think you can count having your kids pay rent across town but eat all the meals, launder, exercise, compute and TV watch in your home as actually having moved out. You know? We will really miss him though if this happens. He's fun to have around and helpful when I need him to be. Especially when Dave is travelling. I imagine our revolving front door will swing open again some time though. Just a hunch.
The memorial for Dave's mom last night was very well done. The Pastor hadn't met her before but managed with the talk we'd all had together to speak as though he might have known her. He reminded us of the pleasant times years ago before her dementia made life so difficult. We both appreciated this very much. Frankly we'd forgotten. It's been a rough go for many years, as I'm sure many of you can relate to.
Karen, keep those ideas coming, I think Kathi is a happily jotting them down to take them to the meeting. Deb may be peeking in here too, I'm not sure.
Enjoy the day everyone! - Pat
The heavy wet snow is making a mess of spring up north here. Branches are coming down and I get to spend a school snow day waiting to hear from kevin that he made it back to Potland all right. Motherhood, what a pain. I've always been a worry wart and I imagine I always will be when it comes to my "babies".
Colin is planning to move to Portland also. Dave and I will finally be official empty nesters. I don't think you can count having your kids pay rent across town but eat all the meals, launder, exercise, compute and TV watch in your home as actually having moved out. You know? We will really miss him though if this happens. He's fun to have around and helpful when I need him to be. Especially when Dave is travelling. I imagine our revolving front door will swing open again some time though. Just a hunch.
The memorial for Dave's mom last night was very well done. The Pastor hadn't met her before but managed with the talk we'd all had together to speak as though he might have known her. He reminded us of the pleasant times years ago before her dementia made life so difficult. We both appreciated this very much. Frankly we'd forgotten. It's been a rough go for many years, as I'm sure many of you can relate to.
Karen, keep those ideas coming, I think Kathi is a happily jotting them down to take them to the meeting. Deb may be peeking in here too, I'm not sure.
Enjoy the day everyone! - Pat
Thursday, April 12, 2007
okay, i am ready to put the moose on the table. it is my birthday. it is not so bad if people find out that it is my birthday, it is just hard to tell them how old i am. so, i can tell you guys that it is my birthday and not have to be concerned about telling you how old i am. if any of you are having trouble with the math, remember to subtract a few years for good behavior (please, cuz i have been very good).
It is snowing here...wet, heavy snow, about 4 inches thus far. School was let out at 1:00, which was fine as we won't have to make up the day at the end of the year. I ended up subbing with only 11 children there. Must say that's the perfect class size! We'll see what tomorrow brings, as its the last day before Spring Vacation. The reunion committee are meeting next Wednesday 4/18, so any more ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Happy Thoughts...........
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
karen, i stand down, flumoxed and bamboozled under your care and love. i have to go geico lizard on this one- ya' know, cute but a little off kilter. i think martha is an above average chick from connecticut that is way above average in personal creativity. i actually don't care a lot about her business piece or anything else from her personal life. the thing about the explosive reporting styles that attack folks like her is pretty interesting. with everything that we learn in the media, there should be freedom to pick a direction based on what we learn. BUT, we hear the dirt and we can only pick one direction which is depression. where is the reporting that lets us learn something and say, "hey this is a great adventure?" why does the anxiety of insight always force us toward depression???
Well you know Karen, if we were the only people staying at the hotel that night then we could stay up and make all the NOISE we want. Isn't that a perfect solution. I already have my room Friday and Saturday. Anyone else???
Absolutely, Friday night get together and then head to Barlows Barn and help finish up the float. Picnic post parade, perfect.
Is anybody in Spfld. listening!!??
Absolutely, Friday night get together and then head to Barlows Barn and help finish up the float. Picnic post parade, perfect.
Is anybody in Spfld. listening!!??
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
okay karen, please shoot me before i even start. i'm waiting babe. . . . . . . . . well, you missed this chance, but i know that there will be more chances to come. let me start by saying that i think love is a good thing, but i think that being blind is just that. so i ask myself if your relationship with martha is love or blindness. martha stewart, the class of 1963 somewhere, lied to federal investigators about her december 2001 stock sale, which came just before imclone's share price collapsed. multimillionaire martha saved $45,000. imus just said whacko stuff about the rutgers womans basketball team. i am sitting here saying to myself that these guys are smoking some nasty weed. i am pretty sure that if i was smoking the same weed i would never sell out my shares of imclassof72 or say that anyone of us is a nappy headed anything. i do think i could make some pretty bad ass party favors. yeah, okay, now i think we have some perspective!
It's warming up here again, 40's thank goodness. Same tomorrow so the melting has begun again.
Karen I forwarded your questions about "activities" to Janice and Deb. I'm hoping to hear back from them but Kathi you've been at the meetings haven't you?? So you would have given us the scoop yes????????????
Funeral Thursday night and then we move quickly into April vacation week. Really looking forward to it. I thought maybe I'd go over to VT for a bit to visit with Rachel. We'll see
Karen I forwarded your questions about "activities" to Janice and Deb. I'm hoping to hear back from them but Kathi you've been at the meetings haven't you?? So you would have given us the scoop yes????????????
Funeral Thursday night and then we move quickly into April vacation week. Really looking forward to it. I thought maybe I'd go over to VT for a bit to visit with Rachel. We'll see