After two rainy days here...and I mean stopped for a while this afternoon. The kids and I went outside to run around and get some energy out. They had races of different forms and decided to run around the garage where they found this huge puddle . by the time I got around the back they were running and sliding into it. Pretty funny so I put their bathingsuits on and they played until it turned to mud...then discovered that the little swimming pool had water in it and played in there until Camille (who is a little princess...and doesn't like bugs) decided she needed to go inside. They had put the little plastic lawn chairs in the water and were fishing. I am now letting them watch kids tv while they play in the livingroom. Nana breaktime! I guess I am really getting old because I am exhausted and can't wait until bedtime...for both them and me! Andrew and Amy are coming up tomorrow to play with the kids so that will be great!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
So today my friend Elaine and I went to a local garden center and picked up some fabulous hanging plants. I hadn't put any out since I was going to be going away for several weeks at the start of the summer. I didn't want to worry about them not being taken care of. They are beautifully full since its mid July. Makes quite a difference to the front of the house. Think curb appeal. Picked up 5 quarts of strawberries at the school farm. Sweet and yummy!
No real news on the house yet but they who ever they are asked our Realtor for a document from our financial institute showing that we could make the payments. So many houses have defaulted that banks are much more nervous than before.
No real news on the house yet but they who ever they are asked our Realtor for a document from our financial institute showing that we could make the payments. So many houses have defaulted that banks are much more nervous than before.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Such a busy family life you have Kathi! Very exciting, I'll bet you sleep well at night. Or all you too keyed up?
I'm home in P.I. now. the woodchucks have ravaged my flower gardens and there is much to be done to rectify the situation. Today was mostly about laundry and groceries. I'll be here a couple of weeks I guess. Everything hinges on the purchase of the house in Hermon. I will have things to do if we're moving that I wouldn't have to think about otherwise. I have to wait til the end of the week for that decision. Then either a return to normalcy or switch into high gear!
I'm home in P.I. now. the woodchucks have ravaged my flower gardens and there is much to be done to rectify the situation. Today was mostly about laundry and groceries. I'll be here a couple of weeks I guess. Everything hinges on the purchase of the house in Hermon. I will have things to do if we're moving that I wouldn't have to think about otherwise. I have to wait til the end of the week for that decision. Then either a return to normalcy or switch into high gear!
Monday, July 21, 2008
After a busy, busy weekend entertaining all my children, spouses, grandchildren, boyfriends, girlfriends...the only ones left here are two grandchildren. We had the best bridal shower yesterday....thought I would never get the house, kids stuff, big kids stuff all over...dishes....more glasses....but we got all the food made, house cleaned and decorated for the big event. Sent the guys all off...they went to Claremont much to do around here....Suzanne and John left last night for NYC...Amanda, Rob and Chloe left around 5 tonight. Papa and I took the kids down to the town pool for swimming lessons....Andrew and his girlfriend Amy came to watch when we got home...quiet!!! Kids got their pjs on, had a snack and are being read to by Papa...then it will be bedtime! The most exciting thing was...Caleb was eating his snack and discovered he has his first loose tooth....Camille is very annoyed that she doesn't have one...of course, she is only, night #1 of two weeks with Nana and Papa begin~....
Karen, I liked your list also! I absolutely agree with you on them....guess we all have to follow our hearts!
Karen, I liked your list also! I absolutely agree with you on them....guess we all have to follow our hearts!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dave leaned over my shoulder and read Karen's list. He likes # 6 not so sure about #8 (start collecting again). Thinks it's all good advice.
We made an offer on a house yesterday a.m and it was rejected immediately. Now will offer one more time and then let it go. It's in Hermon, ME.
the waiting game. Thanks to all of you for keeping up with all of my changes of mind and complain ing. I appreciate having all of you to sound off to and whine to. Will let you know what happens next of course.
Still looking forward to our mini reunion in August. Might travel to Chicago the week of Aug. 26 with Dave. He has work there. I would absolutely love to see Oprah!!
We made an offer on a house yesterday a.m and it was rejected immediately. Now will offer one more time and then let it go. It's in Hermon, ME.
the waiting game. Thanks to all of you for keeping up with all of my changes of mind and complain ing. I appreciate having all of you to sound off to and whine to. Will let you know what happens next of course.
Still looking forward to our mini reunion in August. Might travel to Chicago the week of Aug. 26 with Dave. He has work there. I would absolutely love to see Oprah!!
I think it all boils down to how important it is for you to stay with Dave and preserve your marriage. If your marriage is the most important thing to you, all those reasons Karen gave make total sense. If you're not sure about the relationship, then you're probably more attached to what makes YOU feel good right now, which seems to be staying in P.I.