Happy New Year One and All! Imagine my surprise when Dave said somethng about this being New Years Eve just before supper. I guess I'm sort of out of it. I think my response was "No it isn't." No resolutions from me. I'll just keep tryng to do what I usually keep trying to do.
Two more days till back to school.
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year to You...may all your dreams come true in 2006! Happy Thoughts!

Happy New Year to all. We celebrate it tonight @ church via satellite to the othere side @ 7pm our time so we can all go home and sleep. Looks like a trip to Peru this year and Isreal next. Anyone been there and have any tips? The mission house (pregnancy crisis ctr) finally got up and running two days ago so we can be tax exempt this year. The house looks really great and the funds are rolling to to keep it open. It has been a job remodeling this old hodgepodge house into offices, conference rooms etc. We had an ultrasound machince donated to us too but now will be legally considered a medical facility so I guess I'm now a board member of a medical facility, wow...hmmmm...... just keep our minds on the mission and it'll be ok.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I took the little ones out in the snow today. Caleb was here a couple of years ago to play with us in the snow and this was Camille's first time. It was so cute. Our snow is crusty so they could walk on top. Great for pulling around in the sled. It is so nice to be able to appreciate the newness of something! It is certainly different having little ones running around the house again! Right now Caleb is crawling around the rooms playing doggie with his Aunt Su....pretty amusing watching 29 year olds crawl around too. We had our Christmas today, with presents and big dinner.....some of us are ready for bed soon! And I don't mean babies!! Happy Thoughts................and holidays.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah! Did I spell that correctly Lori?
The boys headed home this afternoon. I heard from Kev a few minutes ago and he's home and settling back in. Roads were not so good for the first couple of hours. We have 30 or so inches of heavy snow and it's quite windy out. Another storm expected on TH so we're concerned about whether we'll be able to get over to VT or not. Dave is planning a day at Stowe if we do make it over and we're planning to get together with some friends from our former neighborhood.
Ski and snowmobiling has been waiting and now they're all set. It's great for the area's tourism. The kids; being out of school this week are probably all thrilled .
Christmas day was fun. We all enjoyed each others company. Dave's mom had a good day. We were all pleased for her.
The boys headed home this afternoon. I heard from Kev a few minutes ago and he's home and settling back in. Roads were not so good for the first couple of hours. We have 30 or so inches of heavy snow and it's quite windy out. Another storm expected on TH so we're concerned about whether we'll be able to get over to VT or not. Dave is planning a day at Stowe if we do make it over and we're planning to get together with some friends from our former neighborhood.
Ski and snowmobiling has been waiting and now they're all set. It's great for the area's tourism. The kids; being out of school this week are probably all thrilled .
Christmas day was fun. We all enjoyed each others company. Dave's mom had a good day. We were all pleased for her.
Monday, December 26, 2005
All of my kids and grandbabies will be here tomorrow...around breakfast time...I am so excited. We will have our Christmas on Wednesday morning. It has been unseasonably warm and rainy. We still have snow on the ground. There was so much water running down off the fields into the ditch in front of our house that the town crew was out here at 5:45 am digging ditches. There were 4 town trucks and probably 10 guys out there watching each other....holiday pay! Don't think I've ever seen so many of our town employees together that early in the morning! Neil has decided to take a week vacation to visit with the grandbabies....I think he is just as excited as I am. We are getting a woodstove installed in our basement tomorrow, too....he's been wanting to do backup heat for years and has finally done it. I wish everyone a wonderful New Year with lots of special times with your loved ones. Cherish the moments! Happy Thoughts always.....................
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Oh, I guess I didn't realize that you were hoping he WOULD decide to move. Hopefully, his decision will turn out to be for the best, and you'll be glad you stayed in Maine. It sounds like you have a real "community" there--not something I can say I have in L.A. I know it must be frustrating that his mother was the reason for his decision, but on the other hand, someone who cares so much about his mother probably also cares a lot about his wife!
We're all going to Avi's mother's house tomorrow night to light the first Hannukah candle and eat a jelly donut! (about 500 calories, I heard)
We're all going to Avi's mother's house tomorrow night to light the first Hannukah candle and eat a jelly donut! (about 500 calories, I heard)
Lori, Dave's mother lives not to far from us, 1/2 to an hour depending on weather conditions. She's in an assisted living home very small and family oriented and they take good care of her. But her dementia is worsening and it's extremely frustrating that Dave is the only one of his siblings to be involved in her care. They give lip service to his frustrations and the time he spends taking care of her personally and financially. They have both (sisters) conveniently moved to CA. At one point Dave said he wasn't going to take his mom into account in this decision and then decides that's the reason he's not going with this new position. It's aggravating. Oh well.
I do like living here but it's so far removed from everything and expensive to live here. Flights are hard to get and shopping is non existant. I'd have been 90 minutes away from my dad and that would have been wonderful, given his life expectancy at this point.
The boys are both home and that's fun. The house sounds like home with all their extra noise. Candlelight service tonight at 7. That's always a wonderful hour with carols and candles and lots of people home for the holiday. No luck getting the boys there though. someday maybe.
We're all set to spend a few days in VT at the Town Plaza Suites in Williston. We'll be there over New Years and head back Sunday. I'll see my sister on Friday. Been a couple of years so I'm looking forward to that.
Happy Holidays all. - Pat
I do like living here but it's so far removed from everything and expensive to live here. Flights are hard to get and shopping is non existant. I'd have been 90 minutes away from my dad and that would have been wonderful, given his life expectancy at this point.
The boys are both home and that's fun. The house sounds like home with all their extra noise. Candlelight service tonight at 7. That's always a wonderful hour with carols and candles and lots of people home for the holiday. No luck getting the boys there though. someday maybe.
We're all set to spend a few days in VT at the Town Plaza Suites in Williston. We'll be there over New Years and head back Sunday. I'll see my sister on Friday. Been a couple of years so I'm looking forward to that.
Happy Holidays all. - Pat
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Well folks as of 7 this a.m. Dave says he wasn't going to take the position. What an emotional rollercoaster. I'm exhausted. The reason he gives is that his mother isd not well. Same reason he gave last year when he was talking about a job in Bangor. I'd say he has closed his doors at this point. You can't say no too often before the offers stop coming in. So we here for the duration and come what may.
14 friends were over this afternoon and we had a terrific time. Lots of school gossip and family talk. Since the two schools combined it has been impossible for all of us to be together during the day. We don't even lunch together anymore. So it was wonderful to catch up. Snowing outside and very Christmasy looking. All's well.
Thanks for all the good thoughts.
14 friends were over this afternoon and we had a terrific time. Lots of school gossip and family talk. Since the two schools combined it has been impossible for all of us to be together during the day. We don't even lunch together anymore. So it was wonderful to catch up. Snowing outside and very Christmasy looking. All's well.
Thanks for all the good thoughts.
Good Luck with all the decision making Patti.
Glad you had a great trip Lori and made it safely back home again.
We have our Kindergarten Christmas Party this afternoon. We made gingerbread cookies for snack...keeping it very low key...so will have cookies and milk...with a book exchange as the gift giving. Each child brings in a wrapped used book from home...they pick a number that coordinates with the number on the book and that is the book they get to take home. It is really a cute idea.
Today is my Grandaughter's 1st birthday. Hard to believe at this time last year I was in NC babysitting Caleb and driving in Raleigh with a 2 1/2 year old in the car! Traffic and I don't mix well! lol....hope everyone has a great day! Hopefully it'll be sunny again today. Happy Thoughts to all!
Glad you had a great trip Lori and made it safely back home again.
We have our Kindergarten Christmas Party this afternoon. We made gingerbread cookies for snack...keeping it very low key...so will have cookies and milk...with a book exchange as the gift giving. Each child brings in a wrapped used book from home...they pick a number that coordinates with the number on the book and that is the book they get to take home. It is really a cute idea.
Today is my Grandaughter's 1st birthday. Hard to believe at this time last year I was in NC babysitting Caleb and driving in Raleigh with a 2 1/2 year old in the car! Traffic and I don't mix well! lol....hope everyone has a great day! Hopefully it'll be sunny again today. Happy Thoughts to all!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Welcome back Lori. It's always good to get a message from a friend who's been away and is home again.
I should know for sure tonight what Dave's decision on Manchester is. He's waffling like crazy. Any decision will be better than not knowing. Then I can get down to the business of getting over the shock or just businnes as usual.
Friends from school are coming over tomorrow for a little R & R. Should be nice. I get to show off my holiday decorations and enjoy my "girls friends" chatter. We don't see each other as much with the changes in the new administration and the physicality (is that a word??) of the new building.
Planning 3 or 4 days in Burlington the week after Christmas. The end of the week I guess so we'll be there over New Years the way things look now. We were going to go to Rutland to see Lynne but apparently she's coming up to Burlington on a bus instead for a visit instead. Something Dad arranged. I think the 2 hour car ride is just too much for him. He has to worry about having enough oxygen in his tank and that sort of thing. Travel is just so risky these days. We're going to stay at a place with a full kitchen so we can relax and not have to do restaurant meals. Dave will take a ski day. He'll love that.
Time to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone and once again, welcome home Lori!
I should know for sure tonight what Dave's decision on Manchester is. He's waffling like crazy. Any decision will be better than not knowing. Then I can get down to the business of getting over the shock or just businnes as usual.
Friends from school are coming over tomorrow for a little R & R. Should be nice. I get to show off my holiday decorations and enjoy my "girls friends" chatter. We don't see each other as much with the changes in the new administration and the physicality (is that a word??) of the new building.
Planning 3 or 4 days in Burlington the week after Christmas. The end of the week I guess so we'll be there over New Years the way things look now. We were going to go to Rutland to see Lynne but apparently she's coming up to Burlington on a bus instead for a visit instead. Something Dad arranged. I think the 2 hour car ride is just too much for him. He has to worry about having enough oxygen in his tank and that sort of thing. Travel is just so risky these days. We're going to stay at a place with a full kitchen so we can relax and not have to do restaurant meals. Dave will take a ski day. He'll love that.
Time to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone and once again, welcome home Lori!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know I got back from Israel today. I'm pretty exhausted, so I won't write much now. Basically, it was a good trip. I spent as much time as possible with my friend whose son committed suicide. She's doing amazingly well. Obviously, it's really hard for her, but she doesn't want to stop living. Another friend and I went with her to Rosh Pina in northern Israel cuz she wanted to get out of the city a little and be in nature. I was glad to go up there, too, cuz I haven't been up there in a long time. It's really pretty. Rosh Pina also has a lot of art galleries.
I've been reading all your Christmas tree stories. No trees for us, but I'm enjoying your stories!
I've been reading all your Christmas tree stories. No trees for us, but I'm enjoying your stories!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Its now getting to the point in our lives that "expecting" things to be the way they were in the past is not going to happen. I usually go and get the tree by myself and have to wait for someone to help me put it in the stand and bring it into the house, but this year Neil actually went with me...looked through the fields of trees and found the one he thought would be good, cut it down, loaded it in the car, and helped set it up into the livingroom. I put the lights on and decorated it as usual. Its not Martha but I like it! Guess we have to make our own special memories and not rely on others, thus not being disappointed! We have another snowday today. It is getting to nice having a 3 day weekend....doesn't pay well, but guess we compensate by getting things done at home! I am hopefully, going to clean and wrap! We are having a "family' Christmas party at my sister's house tomorrow, with siblings, nieces and nephews. We started this tradition after my mother died 4 years ago, going in order of siblings each year. I've hosted, my twin , and last year my sister Karen, this year, its Karleen's turn, next year would have been Kevin's, so unless his widow hosts, that tradition will change too. Still making little gifts I need to finish, too....Everybody have a magical day with happy thoughts....
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
karen, my heart goes out to you as the "make-it-real-nice" ghost of christmas slaps you into action for the holidays. i picked up a tree this weekend and had the chance to smile at all the stress out there- real and imagined. there is a place in town selling trees for $30 and all of it goes to the temporary shelter. so i didn't really care if i got little more than a twig with a needle or two. i just liked that my dollars would be an important contribution. so, i pulled up and squeezed into a spot next to the trees in a city stealth parking manuever, but i had otherwise left my type-a personality elsewhere. I found an 8' tree among the rest which were all shorter. it was impossible to tell if this would be the perfect tree because all of the branches were frozen solid in a straight up position. it looked more like a lombardy poplar than a red spruce. while others might have liked an 8' tree, the fact that you couldn't pose next to to this one, a la american gothic, and get the glowing thmbs up for finding just the right one had eliminated it from general consideration. I watched as others went through the ritual of finding a tree, posing next to it, gettting approval from the commander of their relationship and then find a tree clerk to give them a fresh cut, load it in the car, kiss their ass good-bye and watch as they created near accidents driving away with the tree handsomely poised on the roof like an 18 point buck with its tongue hanging sideways from its mouth (is it my imagination, or did i get this one right?) . as a comparative non-event, i picked up my frozen bean pole of a tree and handed the money over with one hand as i loaded my tree into my car with the other. i got home with my tree, set it up, and there it stood like a one-stick popsicle standing at attention. i received icy reactions from my family that were equal in size to the glacier that still hung in my tree's limbs. now, this is where we get to the miracle of christmas. my engineering mind had estimated that unlike the old days when you really did have to consider trees grown in the wild for their relative yuletide virtues, my tree had come from a christmas tree farm where it had been farm-raised, farm-fed, farm-manicured and farm-loved. just how bad would my tree turn out to be once the chill evaporated? sho' nuf, miracle of miracles, it in fact turned into a spriteful holiday center piece that is bringing tons 'o joy to my world!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hi folks I'm back. Vegas was nice, the weather was warm and that counts for a lot! I played a little cards and won almost $100. that was fun. I don't like missing school though and I'm very glad to be back home.
Dave is thinking about applying for a position in Manchester, NH. Which if he does would mean we would be back living very close to Springfield. Can you imagine??
Anyone heard from Lori yet? Are you back home Lori?????
Dave is thinking about applying for a position in Manchester, NH. Which if he does would mean we would be back living very close to Springfield. Can you imagine??
Anyone heard from Lori yet? Are you back home Lori?????
Friday, December 09, 2005
Snow here today! No school...which was actually quite nice....would have been better if I didn't have to go out and do some shoveling. We got 8-10 inches of fluffy light snow and with it being colder , the weatherman is saying that it will definitely be a White Christmas. Roland, glad that you have found what you need in life and...get to meet Kirk Cameron, too! Funny how we are all so different coming out of Springfield! Richard, keep on being the cool one! Patti, did you get back from LasVegas or did the snow hold you up? Karen, wonder if you could decorate long distance....smile and Happy thoughts....
Roland, you look like the cool high school guy I remember. Very cool to see you. I hope you, friends, and critters are having a cool winter. Everything is cool here (and icy, too). Just kidding with the hep cat stuff. The photo is a good shot and clearly not posed.
I don't know why some people think I am one-dimensional, but hey, that's cool (icy, too).
I don't know why some people think I am one-dimensional, but hey, that's cool (icy, too).
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Howdy ya'll. If your're intersted you can view me @ thesummitchurch.com, click on images then go into the NOLB they got me by surprize in the front row talking to Kirk Cameron at our conference for evangelism. (I am in the second row of pics in the middle) We don't have any yet of our choir concerts but hope to get some in soon. Hope everyone had lots of turkey and is coasting till the next feast. Go in Peace my brethrn!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Well, have a fun trip to Las Vegas...maybe you can win your Christmas money! Relax and enjoy. I want Karen to come and decorate my house! I started.....will probably wrap some presents this afternoon while Neil is watching the Patroits....we'll see. Snowy some here today...more coming on Tuesday. Happy Thoughts...
Thanks for the tip Karen, maybe we'll get to see that show! We're taking a late flight home that night so we'll see.
I've had others do my tree before, just one time. It's actually a lot of fun. The boys (Colin and Kevin) lost interest in decorating many years ago but they certainly they want it done! so one year I invited the kids in the youth group I was active with to come over and decorate my house. We had a blast. I gave them free reign to do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted. The house looked great and I had a wonderful afternoon with the kids.
This year the house is pretty much done except for the tree. We'll put it up this afternoon with lights only. Then when we get back all that remains is the details. So my "girlfriends" from work will do it with me. It'll be fun. It's sort of a different kind of party entertainment. Haven't you ever gone to someone's house and wondered about the history behind some of the decorations. You know, the stuff that looks old and ragged and maybe from some 1st grade class?? This is a fun way to get to talk about them.
I've had others do my tree before, just one time. It's actually a lot of fun. The boys (Colin and Kevin) lost interest in decorating many years ago but they certainly they want it done! so one year I invited the kids in the youth group I was active with to come over and decorate my house. We had a blast. I gave them free reign to do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted. The house looked great and I had a wonderful afternoon with the kids.
This year the house is pretty much done except for the tree. We'll put it up this afternoon with lights only. Then when we get back all that remains is the details. So my "girlfriends" from work will do it with me. It'll be fun. It's sort of a different kind of party entertainment. Haven't you ever gone to someone's house and wondered about the history behind some of the decorations. You know, the stuff that looks old and ragged and maybe from some 1st grade class?? This is a fun way to get to talk about them.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Patti, do you have other people decorate your tree? Sounds like a good plan....I'd like someone to put the lights on...I don't like that part! The wind was bitter cold today. Heard snow coming in for Tuesday...I could use a good snow day to catch up! I suppose I have to let him have the car so he can make the big bucks for me to get new things! haha...the sacrifices we make! happy Thoughts to all......................
Friday, December 02, 2005
Hi folks, the weekend is here again! Dave and I are leaving early Monday morning for Los Vegas and that'll be relaxing. I like it out there. It's tough to miss school though. I guess that means I'm getting to like my new position so that's a good thing.
I'll be doing a bunch of decorating this weekend and we'll put our tree up before we go. It'll be a busy weekend but fun. Then when we come, I'll be having a cookie swap and tree decorating party. That'll be a lot of fun. Our school party is set for The 16th. Seems too soon but the time goes by so very quickly as you all know.
Take care all - Pat
I'll be doing a bunch of decorating this weekend and we'll put our tree up before we go. It'll be a busy weekend but fun. Then when we come, I'll be having a cookie swap and tree decorating party. That'll be a lot of fun. Our school party is set for The 16th. Seems too soon but the time goes by so very quickly as you all know.
Take care all - Pat
Happy December everybody. Let the decorating and shopping begin. Personally, I haven't done much of either yet. Will start this weekend, decorating anyways...my husbands car is being worked on and won't be ready until Monday...so he is taking my car....during the week I really don't mind because I can get a ride to school and back but weekends.....guess it'll force me to get things done here. Real excitement here....I have a new washing machine...How pathetic to be excited about watching the clothes go around in the front loader...guess we could pretend to be watching tv....but its very quiet which is some diffferent from the 20 year old one! Guess it doesn't take a lot to please some people! Have a great weekend everybody...and happy thoughts...
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I hope things work out for the best.
Have a wonderful trip to Isreal. I am sure that your friend will welcome your friendship now. I think visiting a while after is nice because people do tend to "forget" to help you through and sometimes you just want that acknowledgment. I had a nephew that committed suicide in 1992 when he was 18....so I am sure she will be glad to see you. Enjoy your family and relax! Travel safely and Happy Thoughts....
Have a wonderful trip to Isreal. I am sure that your friend will welcome your friendship now. I think visiting a while after is nice because people do tend to "forget" to help you through and sometimes you just want that acknowledgment. I had a nephew that committed suicide in 1992 when he was 18....so I am sure she will be glad to see you. Enjoy your family and relax! Travel safely and Happy Thoughts....
So did they notice you don't eat lobster, Patti?!
Getting up early to go shopping on one of the busiest days of the year is definitely not something you'd find me doing. I barely go to the mall on regular days. There's always something else I'd rather be doing than shopping.
Thanksgiving was good. I thought we'd have close to 30 people, but I think it was 24 in the end. I had a lot of help, so things went pretty smoothly. The only thing that put a damper on it was that Avi and his business partner haven't been getting along lately, and our minds were on that part of the time. If things don't work out, they might have to end the partnership and the business. I think it's a problem of communication, and I'm still hoping they'll be able to reach some kind of understanding. Avi's partner is not an easy person to work with--he's critical and judgmental and negative. Everything always seems to be a problem for him. A lot of drama. They're really different, but somehow have managed to build up a good business together. In the past, Avi has given in on things that are important to him, and he's just not willing to do that anymore. His partner feels threatened every time Avi wants to hire someone who's more of a self-thinker, not just all these "yes men" types his partner feels comfortable with. Anyway, we'll see what happens....
I'm off on Monday to Israel to see that friend of mine whose son committed suicide. And also my family, of course, and other friends. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all of you!
Getting up early to go shopping on one of the busiest days of the year is definitely not something you'd find me doing. I barely go to the mall on regular days. There's always something else I'd rather be doing than shopping.
Thanksgiving was good. I thought we'd have close to 30 people, but I think it was 24 in the end. I had a lot of help, so things went pretty smoothly. The only thing that put a damper on it was that Avi and his business partner haven't been getting along lately, and our minds were on that part of the time. If things don't work out, they might have to end the partnership and the business. I think it's a problem of communication, and I'm still hoping they'll be able to reach some kind of understanding. Avi's partner is not an easy person to work with--he's critical and judgmental and negative. Everything always seems to be a problem for him. A lot of drama. They're really different, but somehow have managed to build up a good business together. In the past, Avi has given in on things that are important to him, and he's just not willing to do that anymore. His partner feels threatened every time Avi wants to hire someone who's more of a self-thinker, not just all these "yes men" types his partner feels comfortable with. Anyway, we'll see what happens....
I'm off on Monday to Israel to see that friend of mine whose son committed suicide. And also my family, of course, and other friends. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all of you!
Friday, November 25, 2005
No traditional Black Friday shopping for me. Just a fun trip to a local Christmasy shop on the commons. It was a very pleasant experience just the owner and myself. Leaned lots about the area. It was a treat. Later we went downtown to a fabulous knitting store, and wandered on the piers. Very pretty and quiet, but wicked cold!
Kevin ships out at 5:30 tomorrow so we leave whenever we are up and at 'em I guess. The visit here was nice. Good to get away and see how and where Kevin lives. I even had a chance to see the tiny cabin he lived in for over a year. You can see daylight through the walls. I don't know how he did it. At least this winter he's warm and safe in a three bedroom 2 bath with no roomates but his dog Dodge. He'll be home for Christmas.
I'm glad we'll make our whole trip back to P.I. in the daylight. Travel safely everyone!
Kevin ships out at 5:30 tomorrow so we leave whenever we are up and at 'em I guess. The visit here was nice. Good to get away and see how and where Kevin lives. I even had a chance to see the tiny cabin he lived in for over a year. You can see daylight through the walls. I don't know how he did it. At least this winter he's warm and safe in a three bedroom 2 bath with no roomates but his dog Dodge. He'll be home for Christmas.
I'm glad we'll make our whole trip back to P.I. in the daylight. Travel safely everyone!
Hope everyone had a wonderful, tasty Thanksgiving with family and loved ones. As usual, there was way too much food and too many leftovers, especially desserts! We had fried turkey which was delicious. It took an hour to cook a 18 pound turkey. It was very moist and the cripsy/skin was golden brown and yummy. The only bad part of the day was the weather. It was very nasty traveling in the snow. We got 5 inches of snow, which is too much on Thanksgiving! The ski areas were glad but I wasn't! It is now 13 degrees out but the good news is 50s by Sunday. Did anyone go out and get their holiday shopping started on Black Friday. My son had to be to work at Best Buy at 3 am. He said there were people camped out in the cold and snow waiting until they opened at 5. Personally, I can't imagine needing anything that badly! How about you??? If you are traveling back home this weekend, drive carefully. Happy Thoughts...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! We've made it Booth Bay. The boys are downstairs playing pingpong and Dave and I are relaxing. The roads down were very icy and there were cars off the highway every couple of miles. We took a long time getting here. Feels good to be off the road.
Kevin said the lobsters are in a cage in the water down at the pier. My word. This is different. So tomorrow we have a little field trip down to the pier to pick up dinner. It has escaped everyone that I never eat lobster. I am really looking forward to the dawning moment when my boys (men) realize this. I'm planning to eat lots of veggies and dinner rolls!!
I hope everyone is surrounded by the folks they love this week and enjoy every minute of Thanksgiving! - Pat
Kevin said the lobsters are in a cage in the water down at the pier. My word. This is different. So tomorrow we have a little field trip down to the pier to pick up dinner. It has escaped everyone that I never eat lobster. I am really looking forward to the dawning moment when my boys (men) realize this. I'm planning to eat lots of veggies and dinner rolls!!
I hope everyone is surrounded by the folks they love this week and enjoy every minute of Thanksgiving! - Pat
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Everyone enjoy those special times with your families....its suppose to snow here on Thanksgiving. Hopefully, not! We missed the snow today. I heard up north got some but here it was just rain and wind. Suppose to clear for traveling tomorrow with snow on Thursday. Remember to eat lots of good food....luckily for us their isn't an aquarium around here! Happy Thoughts and be sure to count your blessings....Thank you for being my friends!
Last night Dave and I ordered tickets to Zumanity Theatre. It's a Circ du Soleil show in Vegas. We'll be in Los Vegas the 5th through the 9th. Dave has a Credit Union function and I'm going along. I always like to go to the fun places when he travels. We're staying at the Mirage. This is our 3rd trip out there.
We also bought tickets to see Les Miserable in Boston in Feb. A friend bought a block of them and sold them to whomever wanted them. We just happened to hear about it and got lucky. We'd been wanting to see it for several years and hadn't done anything about it.
To those travelling ove the Thanksgiving holiday this week, please be careful out there.
We also bought tickets to see Les Miserable in Boston in Feb. A friend bought a block of them and sold them to whomever wanted them. We just happened to hear about it and got lucky. We'd been wanting to see it for several years and hadn't done anything about it.
To those travelling ove the Thanksgiving holiday this week, please be careful out there.
Hi Lori, Windjammer is off the road somewhat on the left not far from the airport. Technically, its S. Burlington I think, though not really. Used to be easy to see but everything is so over developed and crowded now. It's surrounded by other buildings. (a little editorializing there) I remember when Tafts corners in Williston was mostly a neat old white brick homestead and farmland. Not anymore, though the house is still there.
The Lincoln Inn is in what folks call the 5 corners in Essex. Very eclectic. Definately a local hangout in the bar area. Several TV's and loads of folks.
The Lincoln Inn is in what folks call the 5 corners in Essex. Very eclectic. Definately a local hangout in the bar area. Several TV's and loads of folks.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Yes, we lived one house apart.....I've known him forever. He is 5 years older so I hung out with his siblings when we were younger. His sister had a baby the same time my mother had my little brother and she moved back to her parents house. I used to take Kevin up to play with Chip. We were just friends for a very long time..then dated when I was in High School...and here we are today....with lots of history behind us and hopefully, in front of us! When to a craft class yesterday and got inspired....so I spent this afternoon making my Christmas Cards.....hope everyone had a good day. Chocolate is so.....necessary in life! Happy Thoughts...
Vt was beautiful as always. I just love the look of the mountains and we both miss them very much. We talked about going back to live but the housing costs are monumental in the greater Burlington area. We had a couple of terrific meals. Particularly at the Windjammer. the dinner at Lincoln Inn was pretty good. It's a strange restaurant. Each room has a different theme. We'll be going back after Christmas for a few days and a trip down to Rutland to see my sister. Dad isn't able to make the drive himself and has asked me to drive him down.
I have the Death By Chocolate cookbook., Marcel Desaulines. (spelled that wrong) It's pretty amazing. I use the recipes quite often. Dave is gluten intolerant and there are several excellent deserts he can eat there. The recipes are pretty long and involved. Well worth the effort though.
We'll be heading down to Booth Bay to spend a few days with Kevin for Thanksgiving. He is serving lobster with the "usual" Thanksgiving sides. I'm bringing down my pies and will cook up the other dishes down there. Just the 4 of us this year. It's the first time we haven't had the meal at home in P.I.
I have the Death By Chocolate cookbook., Marcel Desaulines. (spelled that wrong) It's pretty amazing. I use the recipes quite often. Dave is gluten intolerant and there are several excellent deserts he can eat there. The recipes are pretty long and involved. Well worth the effort though.
We'll be heading down to Booth Bay to spend a few days with Kevin for Thanksgiving. He is serving lobster with the "usual" Thanksgiving sides. I'm bringing down my pies and will cook up the other dishes down there. Just the 4 of us this year. It's the first time we haven't had the meal at home in P.I.
Neil and I just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. Seems like yesterday...hahah. I thought getting married in the middle of deer season was pretty funny. All my relatives had to miss a Saturday of hunting...How many years has everyone else been married? Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend~ Happy Thoughts...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
I have this Rueben Casserole that's pretty tasty.
1 qt. drained sauerkraut
8 oz. cooked noodles, drained
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 tsp. dry mustard
l/2 c. mayonnaise
8 oz. grated swiss cheese
l/2 c. chopped onions
1/2 c. rye bread cubes (cut up loaf of rye bread into cubes)
1 lb. deli corned beef
Grease oblong casserole, then place sauerkraut in bottom. Add cooked noodles
Mix soup, mustard, mayonnaise together; spread evenly over noodles.
Layer onion, corned beef and swiss cheese.
Sprinkle bread crumbs or cubes over top; cover with foil.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Can be prepared ahead and refrigerated.
Happy Thoughts!
1 qt. drained sauerkraut
8 oz. cooked noodles, drained
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 tsp. dry mustard
l/2 c. mayonnaise
8 oz. grated swiss cheese
l/2 c. chopped onions
1/2 c. rye bread cubes (cut up loaf of rye bread into cubes)
1 lb. deli corned beef
Grease oblong casserole, then place sauerkraut in bottom. Add cooked noodles
Mix soup, mustard, mayonnaise together; spread evenly over noodles.
Layer onion, corned beef and swiss cheese.
Sprinkle bread crumbs or cubes over top; cover with foil.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Can be prepared ahead and refrigerated.
Happy Thoughts!
Karen, have you ever marinated black olives in lots of garlic and olive oil (for a couple days), drained them, chopped and add to cream cheese. Spread on the little toasty breads....really good.
It was in the low 20s this morning with black ice on the interstates....the beginning! Hope everyone has a great Friday! Happy Thoughts...
It was in the low 20s this morning with black ice on the interstates....the beginning! Hope everyone has a great Friday! Happy Thoughts...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
It could get quite interesting hosting the post it note party, especially if you knew some pretty good stuff on people! People would either end up loving or hating you. We used to have a lot more family get togethers but Neil's side is spread out now so we don't all get to gether that often. We got married in November right before Thanksgiving. Our parents both lived on the same street and We didn't want to choose whose house to go to that first time, so we went to my parents house for dinner at noon and his parents at 4....needless to say, we then decided that two Thanksgiving dinners in one day was stretching it just a little. We shifted the Thanksgiving meal to his parents and just visiting mine for dessert. We then had Christmas dinner with mine and dessert with his. That worked great for over 20 years. I always make Rice Pudding....my favorite.
we sometimes observe a little different tradition when we have lots of people at our house, especially when we are concerned that people are not likely to mix with each other enough or if we want to be left alone to drink and makeout in the pantry. we write unique information about each person on post-it notes- something that only they and we know about them. then we apply post-it notes to guests as they arrive, being sure that "wrong" post-its go onto everyone. then we ask people to make the rounds, staring at each others' breasts until they find that delicious morsel that we wrote about them. when they find it, they trade post-its for their own and the hunt continues for those who are still looking. it is fun!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I don't think I have much to offer in the way of recipes, Karen. We have Thanksgiving at our house with Avi's family, but his sister always makes the turkey. I think the stuffing is more Israeli style--rice mixed with spices and some vegetables. I make the other things, but nothing you'd need a recipe for--sweet potatoes, corn, rice, etc. You really go all out with decorations, etc.! I don't have energy for that. Anyway, we have the Friday night meals every week with all of Avi's family--we take turns hosting--so that takes care of my hosting energy...
Pictures from the NEKingdom arrived from my friend Libby yesterday. Wow, snow and coloured leaves!!!! She lives up in W Newbury. Has a great place atop the mountain even has a working sugar house. (when the sap runs of course) Still pretty warm here. Staying home this year and babysitting my favourite dog (pit boxer mix).
Karen, ifinterested I have a great recipie for cranberry-orange relish that you marinate in spirits. Its sweet n tangy. Also a traditional meat pie recipie that has been handed down in my dads family. thats something easy to make and either people like it or they don't. I made it for friends in Barre one year as her husband provided me with venison and told me not to tell anyone. they loved it and now thus partake of venison in various recipies.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Patti, hope you had a nice visit to VT to see your Dad and that everything is fine. Did you get to visit with anyone? It was a beautiful weekend here. Suppose to get a little nasty tomorrow...rain/snow/turning to rain in the afternoon. Got the leaves mostly done in the yard. Just a little more raking....but maybe not until Spring! What's everybody doing for Thanksgiving? We are going to my neice's new house in Weatherfield. Her husband owns Crown Point Builders and they just finished their new house. It'll be nice not having to cook the whole meal for a change..I told her I'd bring the "chips and dip"....that's what she always brought. Well, enjoy your week and happy thoughts!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The weather has been on the mild side here for us too...but a cold front and rain coming in tomorrow night. Hopefully, not the beginning of winter. We have Friday off from school this week...an Inservice for teachers. I am looking forward to it. It was my oldest daughter's birthday yesterday...she turned 29, I really can't believe I am the mother of a almost 30 year old...I am probably the only one not doing any traveling! I would love to go and see the grandbabies but...don't see that happening. They are coming up for Christmas. Travel safely everyone and Happy Thoughts..
So many folks travelling here and there these days. Always great to get home though right??? Dave and I are heading to Burlington for the 3 day weekend. We'll be there noonish Friday and head back to Presque Isle after breakfast Sunday. We're taking Dad to the Sirloin Saloon either Friday or Saturday night. We have some free time available this trip and look forward to doing some "wandering" around. Checking out our old neighborhood in Essex and that sort of thing. Would love to see any "old friends" who might be around. We're staying at the Fairfield Inn -Colchester. Let's do supper some night.........Or maybe just drinks .............
so glad everyones well. yes Richard, that cheese and liquers are great!! Yodel hugh? Never tried that.... NJ airport has always been the pits, so glad I don't have to go through there anymore. Delta has revamped their attitudes despite the bankrupt declaration and they are again pleasant to fly. If I go oversears I use Icelandic (called something else now) and have been pleased too. Do you guys have snow yet? Summer has decided to make a full returen here and will probably stay around till Turkey Day. We usually deep fry one outside in our shortsleeves. Its sort of a southern tradition.
I'm going to be traveling again soon, too. It seems like I just got back from Vermont, but I'll be leaving for Israel on November 28. I'll be seeing family and friends, but mainly I'm going to see my friend Wendy who I mentioned a while back--her son committed suicide in mid-September. I know I can't really help her, but I still want to spend some time with her. She's divorced, and he was her only child. Luckily, she has a boyfriend now who's been really supportive. Her son was 20 and was in the army, but it's not really clear what happened cuz it didn't seem like he was in any kind of major depression, just the usual ups and downs of life. Anyway, I'll be there for 2 and a half weeks, until Dec. 17. I'll be here for Thanksgiving. This probably sounds ridiculous, but I didn't want to miss Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday, mainly cuz I LOVE turkey and cranberry sauce.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
i thought sugar on snow was strange with a donut and pickle. try raclette. it is cheese that boils over a flame that you eat with baby potatoes, pickles, bacon, and cocktail onions. and, then the appenzeller liquor with 48 secret herbs, oh my god! yeah, i was yodelling that night. i could definitely lose weight here- no vegetables or fruits to mention, the meat is bad (except for ostrich) and the only saving grace is the beer. that would be the one that would get me.
well i say goodby to the hill and the lonely goat herd early tomorrow morning. i went to basel friday and saturday, then swung through bern and walked in the footsteps of einstein, and then spent last night and today in lucern. it was incredibly beautiful. i saw great art, heard a choir practicing in a magnificent church, drank many liters of beer, and lots, lots more. i am ready to go.
landing in newark, nj and sitting for three hours tomorrow to catch my flight to burlington is going to be awesome. it's only been a week but i miss jersey girls. it's the accents that i can't understand, the constant talking on cell phones, the strange hair! hey, wait, they are just like swiss chicks. wow, maybe i am becoming swiss . . . . . this IS serious!
well i say goodby to the hill and the lonely goat herd early tomorrow morning. i went to basel friday and saturday, then swung through bern and walked in the footsteps of einstein, and then spent last night and today in lucern. it was incredibly beautiful. i saw great art, heard a choir practicing in a magnificent church, drank many liters of beer, and lots, lots more. i am ready to go.
landing in newark, nj and sitting for three hours tomorrow to catch my flight to burlington is going to be awesome. it's only been a week but i miss jersey girls. it's the accents that i can't understand, the constant talking on cell phones, the strange hair! hey, wait, they are just like swiss chicks. wow, maybe i am becoming swiss . . . . . this IS serious!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Love your suggestions, Karen! I was wondering where you had disappeared to, Richard. That description of the Swiss people doesn't sound too appealing--sounds like something my parents said after they were there once. So maybe there's someplace better for you to go, Karen--though it does sound really beautiful in Switzerland. Hard to find a place more beautiful than Vermont, though.
i am here cuz i work for a swiss company. i will have fun this weekend. i am going to a couple of cities that i have not been to before. i will only be here for 8 days total. my body clock is not on swiss time yet. it is 1:30 in the morning in spfld right now, but it is 7:30 am here and i have to get moving. woof.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
just kidding about internuts. i am really lonely, living in an apartment in eastern switzerland. send me some good feelings, please. i love the sound of music beauty of this place, the people that i am working with each day are really nice, but i don't have the option of screaming like tarzan. you see that doesn't fit with swiss life. here are some tidbits i picked up from, "living and working in switzerland, a survival handbook". "the typical swiss is scrupulously honest, narrow minded, indusrtrious, pessimisstic, boring, hygenic, taciturn, healthy, insular, tidy, frugal, sober, selfish, affluent, arrogant, consrvative, isolated, private, strait-laced, neutral, authoritarian, formal, . . . and a good skier"
yeah, okay dude, things are getting way gnarly in the mountains. let's wax our boards and go big! love ya, richard
yeah, okay dude, things are getting way gnarly in the mountains. let's wax our boards and go big! love ya, richard
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
I was so excited....we had 1 trick or treater! There are no kids in our neck of the woods anymore and we are off the beaten track for neighborhood dropoffs. We had a big schoolwide Halloween parade down Union St onto Park and circling around sidestreets and back to Union. It was really fun to see the kids trailing down the street. Then back to school for "parties". They were actually pretty calm today....tomorrow will be another story! Hope everyone had a safe Halloween.
Glad you are busy painting Karen! Have a safe trip to VT...sorry about your brothers accident and about your cousin. As I've said before ...life is short, cherish every moment. Remember, happy thoughts!
Glad you are busy painting Karen! Have a safe trip to VT...sorry about your brothers accident and about your cousin. As I've said before ...life is short, cherish every moment. Remember, happy thoughts!
Boy, Karen that sure sounds familiar. That's about how we do it here also, the traffic, the candy I don't want to eat myself. Otherwise, boy we might not have enough for the kids who come!!
Kevin headed back to Booth Bay yesterday afternoon. The parts came for his boat and so he and his captain went out this morning. Hopefully they had a good haul today. It's not been a good season. First no lobster then the lobster came in but so did the weather and they couldn't go out. Then most recently the boat broke down and a part had to be ordered. Poor dears.
Sorry to hear about your cousin Karen.
Kevin headed back to Booth Bay yesterday afternoon. The parts came for his boat and so he and his captain went out this morning. Hopefully they had a good haul today. It's not been a good season. First no lobster then the lobster came in but so did the weather and they couldn't go out. Then most recently the boat broke down and a part had to be ordered. Poor dears.
Sorry to hear about your cousin Karen.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight! I guess getting an extra hour of sleep is exciting to most but to me it means waking up at 4 instead of 5! haha. Guess we know that winter really is just around the corner. It'll be dark when we go to work...almost...and dark when we get home. Just have to appreciate when the sun is out! Only in the 40s here today and windy. Leaves are finally falling off the trees and we can rake....
I have some pumpkins to carve tomorrow...they actually came up by themselves in the garden. Must have been where I threw the insides of the pumpkins last year! I like making jack-0-lanterns...brings back memories and happy thoughts..
I have some pumpkins to carve tomorrow...they actually came up by themselves in the garden. Must have been where I threw the insides of the pumpkins last year! I like making jack-0-lanterns...brings back memories and happy thoughts..
Friday, October 28, 2005
Kevin is home for the weekend and I'm playing with his brand new laptop. It's a Toshiba brand. 17 inch screen, heavy but really nice size keyboard. Not the sort of thing I'd want to lug through and airport though.
Supposed to be warm here this weekend. High of 48 Sat. Ha Ha. Still need to get out to my gardens one last time. Just to clean up the dead leftover "stuff"
Enjoy the weekend everyone!!
Supposed to be warm here this weekend. High of 48 Sat. Ha Ha. Still need to get out to my gardens one last time. Just to clean up the dead leftover "stuff"
Enjoy the weekend everyone!!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Some places in Springfield got 6 inches...Up north it was very nasty. Lots of accidents and cars off the highways. People also "forget" how to drive and that you have to S.L.O.W. down. But the sun actually came out here today which was great...even though it was windy. Some kids came to school today with boots, hats, mittens, and one boy came with just a sweatshirt...go figure. Half the kids can zip their coats the other half just wait for me to do it....told them their homework was to practice zipping their jackets! Mean, huh! Suppose to warm up to 50s again by Sunday....We have a well in our basement if we ever needed extra water. Guess when they were building the house back in the 40s digging the foundation they hit a well, so they just incorporated it into the basement. Has a spill off so it doesn't overflow...has a steel cover. So in an emergency, it would come in very handy. I am sure your house doesn't have that convience Lori...hahah. Nice that you get to build all those nice things Patti! And steeled toe shoes with a dress would look lovely!
Remember, Happy Thoughts!
Remember, Happy Thoughts!
I guess we got about 4 inches but not far from us they got many more inches than that. So soon. Very heavy with the rain the came also and the wind. Lots of power outages and tree limbs down. I understand Rutland got a foot?
Guess we'll put our trailer under cover bore things get much nastier. We like to take care of it before Halloween actually so it's the normal-ish time, I guess.
I'm enjoying my new position at schoolk but it's quite a challenge. Osha regs apparently state that I should be wearing steel toed boots everyday. I actually have some and was wearing them the day we were having our inspection but I often wear sandals (in warmer weather) or heels. Just whatever I feel like based on our plans for the day. Guess I need to plan to "dress down" regularly.
I'm currently working on a copper art project that will eventually become a framed clock. I'm also building a 3 shelf wall unit for my collection of "little bears". The idea here is to do as many projects as possible to get practice using everything and have the kids observe this for their own willingness. If I can you can!!
Guess we'll put our trailer under cover bore things get much nastier. We like to take care of it before Halloween actually so it's the normal-ish time, I guess.
I'm enjoying my new position at schoolk but it's quite a challenge. Osha regs apparently state that I should be wearing steel toed boots everyday. I actually have some and was wearing them the day we were having our inspection but I often wear sandals (in warmer weather) or heels. Just whatever I feel like based on our plans for the day. Guess I need to plan to "dress down" regularly.
I'm currently working on a copper art project that will eventually become a framed clock. I'm also building a 3 shelf wall unit for my collection of "little bears". The idea here is to do as many projects as possible to get practice using everything and have the kids observe this for their own willingness. If I can you can!!
I guess we got about 4 inches but not far from us they got many more inches than that. So soon. Very heavy with the rain the came also and the wind. Lots of power outages and tree limbs down. I understand Rutland got a foot?
Guess we'll put our trailer under cover bore things get much nastier. We like to take care of it before Halloween actually so it's the normal-ish time, I guess.
I'm enjoying my new position at schoolk but it's quite a challenge. Osha regs apparently state that I should be wearing steel toed boots everyday. I actually have some and was wearing them the day we were having our inspection but I often wear sandals (in warmer weather) or heels. Just whatever I feel like based on our plans for the day. Guess I need to plan to "dress down" regularly.
Guess we'll put our trailer under cover bore things get much nastier. We like to take care of it before Halloween actually so it's the normal-ish time, I guess.
I'm enjoying my new position at schoolk but it's quite a challenge. Osha regs apparently state that I should be wearing steel toed boots everyday. I actually have some and was wearing them the day we were having our inspection but I often wear sandals (in warmer weather) or heels. Just whatever I feel like based on our plans for the day. Guess I need to plan to "dress down" regularly.
It's nice that you're spending the time on making an original birthday card, Kathi. It means so much more than getting a standard one from the store.
Yeah, it IS getting a little scary. All these hurricanes and rain and snow. And earthquakes. That's the scariest one for us here in L.A. Avi keeps talking about replenishing our stock of food and water, but we haven't done anything about it yet. Guess I'd rather bury my head in the sand like an ostrich.
Yeah, it IS getting a little scary. All these hurricanes and rain and snow. And earthquakes. That's the scariest one for us here in L.A. Avi keeps talking about replenishing our stock of food and water, but we haven't done anything about it yet. Guess I'd rather bury my head in the sand like an ostrich.
Luckily here in Springfield we just got a dusting. Nothing like 2 feet! Thank God. I am certainly not ready for winter. The leaves are still on the trees in my yard, bulbs still in the ground, pumpkins sitting with snow on them...oh well. Guess we are suppose to be prepared for anything now a days! Some places have a snowday today. Unheard of in October! And of course, nobody remembers how to drive in the first snow. Tons of cars off the highways last night. Sun maybe tomorrow! It'll be interesting to see how many kids have boots, etc. for school today. Lori, nice that you are writing. We did a remake of a song at school yesterday to make a Halloween song....that's the extent of my creative writing. I did spend a couple of hours making a birthday card/book for a friend last night. That's what I enjoy doing! Have a wonderful day. Happy Thoughts!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hi Kathi. This seems to happen to the blog every once in a while--it almost dies and then suddenly there's a new burst of energy and it's alive again! Not much new here. I'm back to my writing. Today I have a meeting with that small poetry group I'm in. There are 5 of us. We meet every 2 weeks to have lunch and then give each other feedback on our poems. It really helps! Sounds like it's really wet in Vermont. It's been really gray and rainy here, too. I don't mind it cuz it's usually sunny here, so the change is nice!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Guess the warm weather is gone and fall is officially here. Frost has killed all my annuals and the ground was snowcovered going to Claremont this morning. The colors were not very vibrant this year. Mostly yellow and rust colors, not bright orange and red. We haven't even raked yet. Still lots of leaves on the trees. The furnance is on....fleece has made its way out of my attic along with the Halloween decorations. Apple crisp is cooling on the counter. Glad to hear that Wilma has been downgraded. Happy Thoughts.....
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Still raining boy oh boy it's so wet and the waters are high. Glad I live on a hill. A quiet Sunday night here in P.I. Watching West Wing, polish a pair of boots for school tomorrow. Drinking a lovely watermelon martini. Thinking about another one. .....
Dave and I enjoyed a nice anniversary weekend last weekend. Our 26th. We went to a converted Castle in Canda. Very relaxing and romantic. Felt good to get away even for just 24 hours.
Dave and I enjoyed a nice anniversary weekend last weekend. Our 26th. We went to a converted Castle in Canda. Very relaxing and romantic. Felt good to get away even for just 24 hours.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Springfield went through a rash of bomb threats a couple of years ago. Very nerve racking on everybody. It always amazes me that kids would even think they can get away with bomb threats. Hopefully Patti, that will be the end of it.
It is pouring here again today. Flood warning out again and evacuations in a lot of places. 8 straight days of rain but they say nothing like the 10 inches in 2 hours like last weekend. We all hope not. Everybody send some sunshine this way!
Neil had to work out of Maryland this week and got to delivery into NC....he got to stop at our daughter's overnight and see the grandbabies. I was glad that he got to see them but very jealous! We have some cute pictures of Papa and the kids sitting in his tractor trailer....he will be back home tomorrow! I have been breaking in his new recliner while hes been away....maybe I'll just call it mine!
Its always a letdown to leave your family...that might be part of the problem Lori. I find it hard to get settled down once everyone leaves our house. Glad that you had a great trip. Happy Thoughts....
It is pouring here again today. Flood warning out again and evacuations in a lot of places. 8 straight days of rain but they say nothing like the 10 inches in 2 hours like last weekend. We all hope not. Everybody send some sunshine this way!
Neil had to work out of Maryland this week and got to delivery into NC....he got to stop at our daughter's overnight and see the grandbabies. I was glad that he got to see them but very jealous! We have some cute pictures of Papa and the kids sitting in his tractor trailer....he will be back home tomorrow! I have been breaking in his new recliner while hes been away....maybe I'll just call it mine!
Its always a letdown to leave your family...that might be part of the problem Lori. I find it hard to get settled down once everyone leaves our house. Glad that you had a great trip. Happy Thoughts....
Well we've had a of rough couple of days here in P.I. Yesterday we had to evacuate our school for over 2 hours because of a bomb threat. It was cold, the kids were outside of over 1/2 an hour moved from one area of the yard; further away and then finally a 1/2 mile walk over to the commnity college gym where we hung out for a nice long, scary time. Kids were crying, wanting to go home. It was hard to go back into the school even after the perpetrator had ben arrested. I've never been through anything like that before and hope never to again.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I don't know about mission work, Roland, but I do think Israel is a great place to visit. It's a small country but has a large variety of landscapes, cultures, people, etc.
Right now I'm in my usual after-vacation blues. Why is it so hard to come home? Avi loves coming home and slips right back into work, routine, etc. I don't even work, but feel overwhelmed getting back into reality....
Right now I'm in my usual after-vacation blues. Why is it so hard to come home? Avi loves coming home and slips right back into work, routine, etc. I don't even work, but feel overwhelmed getting back into reality....
Lori, our church is sending out a mission team this week to Isreal for about two weeks. I wanted to go but have family rreunion planned in Ct. I can't wait to hear when they return about all. I guess they are working on the bases and also at the festival. I hope to go next year. I have heard you talk about it for many years and would love to walk the ground that Jesus walked and just see the history and so some witnessing.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The town of Alstead is really devastated. Lots of homes washed away and major damage to roads, businesses. The Athletic fields in Claremont were underwater. Downtown Keene under more then a foot of water. Main Streets in Walpole undermined and houses off foundations. Boats harbored down in Brattleboro were washed over the dam. Amazing what the force of water does. Even more so when its closer to home. Happy Thoughts.
Our rain here has slowed for now and we're not expecting anything more until this coming Friday/Saturday. The photos of Keene on the news were shocking. Our son Kevin hasn't been able to go out on his boat for lobstering for almost a week. They're in trouble financially. He's learning about how risky a business he's in. He can't just go in and work and get a paycheck. No trip out on the boat, no pay.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Hope everyone has survived the rainy wet Columbus Weekend safely. There was some terrible flood damage in Alstead, Keene, NH...Brattleboro area on Saturday. All the main roads were washed out in Alstead, leaving 4 dead and many homes and businesses destroyed. Its been on the national news. Its is suppose to rain off and on here all week. Not great for those areas. Lori, I trust you had a wonderful vacation and are now safe at home. Happy Thoughts to all...
Thursday, October 06, 2005
flying to Ct the end of the month for family reunion but won't get to Vt until later in the year. thinking about spending Christmas there? Flying is really cheaper than driving right now!! Cheap tickets on the net are great. Maybe I'll get to snow ski in Vt for the first time in almost 15 years. No fall here yet, still in the 80's.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Yes, it's been a really good visit here, Patti--though the foliage season is late this year and we still haven't caught it anywhere in full peak. We went up to Jay Peak, which was beautiful but still not in full color. And we're leaving soon for New York state (Placid Lake area) to try to catch it there! My sister gets us out of the house early and hiking up mountains or trails. It's what you call an active vacation, not a resting one. It's fun--but I think Avi would be glad to just sleep late one day and hang around the house relaxing and just looking out the window at the lake! Oh well, he can rest when he gets home.
I'm leaving Friday, but I'll be visiting 2 friends in New Jersey on the weekend and then flying back to L.A. on Sunday...
I'm leaving Friday, but I'll be visiting 2 friends in New Jersey on the weekend and then flying back to L.A. on Sunday...
Kathi that souonds like such a gret time. Yesterday, Gary and I were wondering where the picnic table our school used to have had wandered off to. It was the perfect day to be outside. Would have been tough to come back in I think.
Another nice one coming up today. I'm looking forward to the long weekend and hope the weather stays nice. The local scki club is selling$5.00 lift tickets to ride up the mountain for the views. It's gorgeous and I forgot to do it this past weekend.
Would have liked to head over to VT but no such luck. I'm going to have to figure something out anyway, as a 3 day weekend becomes 2 driving and 1 to visit Dad. Not a good thing.
Lori you're leaving in a couple of days to go back to the west coast aren't you? Sure sounds like you've had a wonderful visit. I envy you!!
Another nice one coming up today. I'm looking forward to the long weekend and hope the weather stays nice. The local scki club is selling$5.00 lift tickets to ride up the mountain for the views. It's gorgeous and I forgot to do it this past weekend.
Would have liked to head over to VT but no such luck. I'm going to have to figure something out anyway, as a 3 day weekend becomes 2 driving and 1 to visit Dad. Not a good thing.
Lori you're leaving in a couple of days to go back to the west coast aren't you? Sure sounds like you've had a wonderful visit. I envy you!!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Glad everyone is enjoying their visits with each other! Beautiful weather here this week. Our whole school is going on a hike tomorrow at SpringWeather Nature Area up by the dam in North Springfield. Its going to be a great day for outdoor activities except for the bees. So, they decided instead of having a picnic lunch (with all the PB&J school bag lunches and kids that bring sweetened fruit drinks) attracting the bees we will go back to school and have a late lunch in the classrooms. Little kids tend to freak with swarming bugs! It'll be fun.
Sending Happy Thoughts to all....
Sending Happy Thoughts to all....
Friday, September 30, 2005
hi, i am running to lunch, but thought i'd take a minute to give my side of the story on lunch with lori. it was great! we had a good chance to talk and catch up on things that have happened during the last year since we saw each other on the left coast last year about this time. after we left the restaurant we ran into dave andrews. dave and lori didn't recognize each other (and i thought that my memory has been slipping!). dave claimed to have known only two females in his life and apparently lori was not one of the two. the conversation did not produce any data on the males that lori has known in her lifetime. too, bad! and, hey, dave and all of us still have lots of living to do anyway.
i went to a cirque du soleil performance tuesday night. WOW!!! i loved the show and even got the female contortionist's phone number (just kidding).
i went to a cirque du soleil performance tuesday night. WOW!!! i loved the show and even got the female contortionist's phone number (just kidding).
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Kathi, I checked out your daughter's website. I liked the site and the music! Your daughter is pretty--she looks like you but without the red hair. I was curious to see the site because my daughter is also a bass player and sings back-up vocals. She's in a rock band called Modicum. Besides her, there's a singer/guitar player and a drummer. And my middle son, Rafi, plays guitar and produced a CD recently. If anyone's interested, the website is rafilevymusic.com. It's sort of a combination of Middle Eastern, Latin, and Reggae instrumental music.
I've been reading all the blogs on "post raising kids." Two of mine are out of the house, but Rafi still lives with us-- and his girlfriend too. We don't mind. Actually, we like having them around. I think different kids are ready to move out at different times. I'm sure his time will come, but in the meantime it's nice having them there!
Patti, you asked about the visit with Janice and Butch. It was really fun. Leah came too. We went to eat at the Olive Garden and then came back to our house. My sister and her husband were here and my brother and his family, so we all sat and talked and laughed. Leah brought us a delicious apple pie that she made. I also enjoyed seeing Richard on Monday and Karen (Vatne) on Tuesday. Janice met us for lunch, so I got to see her a second time. It's really good to catch up on everyone's life and to see that in some ways we haven't changed. We can just pick up where we left off no matter how many years ago that was. I hope to see my other fellow bloggers one of these days!
I've been reading all the blogs on "post raising kids." Two of mine are out of the house, but Rafi still lives with us-- and his girlfriend too. We don't mind. Actually, we like having them around. I think different kids are ready to move out at different times. I'm sure his time will come, but in the meantime it's nice having them there!
Patti, you asked about the visit with Janice and Butch. It was really fun. Leah came too. We went to eat at the Olive Garden and then came back to our house. My sister and her husband were here and my brother and his family, so we all sat and talked and laughed. Leah brought us a delicious apple pie that she made. I also enjoyed seeing Richard on Monday and Karen (Vatne) on Tuesday. Janice met us for lunch, so I got to see her a second time. It's really good to catch up on everyone's life and to see that in some ways we haven't changed. We can just pick up where we left off no matter how many years ago that was. I hope to see my other fellow bloggers one of these days!
Fall is definitely here in VT today! Cool. We went out for recess at 11:30 this morning..and the wind started blowing across the playground, which is like a wind tunnel anyways, the kids were running around, or blowing around..it started sprinkling. They were saying its raining....I said its just a sprinkle go play....and all of a sudden it started downpouring! Pretty funny actually, because the kids weren't sure what to do....like run to the door! I don't think they've ever been out in the rain! When we got inside they are like, we're wet....imagine! Its okay...you'll dry....then this afternoon we had a huge wind, pour storm with lots of tree branches down. Weather is suppose to improve for this weekend. I made a big roasted chicken, stuffing, mashed potato dinner tonight. My company will be leaving early Saturday morning to go back to NYC. We've had a great visit. Visiting is good.....moving in might not be! haha. Happy Thoughts!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Let me be very clear. In my experience: There's no such thing as them "taking up" their expenses. Just their lives. At least that's what I hear is supposed to be happening. So far anyhow, I still find myself now and again fixing the expenses stuff. lol
We have such a revolving front door here. We never know when one or the other will need to move back in. There's alway a room ready and we love knowing they feel comfortable and welcome back when the need arises. Sometimes, thats financial and sometimes it emotional. Bless their little hearts.
I've had people tell me we're crazy to let them move back but we agree that it's been some of the most wonderful times we've had as a family. The four of us took a trip to FL this past April. What a blast! Kevin and Colin and Dave each took the week off work while I had school vacation. The boys even wanted to go to a waterpark they remembered going to as little kids. We had such a terrific time. I think as they continue growing up and have relationships that become families of their own, these times they've lived with us as "adult-kids" will make for a great entended a family relationship.
We have such a revolving front door here. We never know when one or the other will need to move back in. There's alway a room ready and we love knowing they feel comfortable and welcome back when the need arises. Sometimes, thats financial and sometimes it emotional. Bless their little hearts.
I've had people tell me we're crazy to let them move back but we agree that it's been some of the most wonderful times we've had as a family. The four of us took a trip to FL this past April. What a blast! Kevin and Colin and Dave each took the week off work while I had school vacation. The boys even wanted to go to a waterpark they remembered going to as little kids. We had such a terrific time. I think as they continue growing up and have relationships that become families of their own, these times they've lived with us as "adult-kids" will make for a great entended a family relationship.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I like having the post children relationship with my kids. Now that we have accepted that they are adults and willing to let them make their own mistakes...and they know that when they come home I might slip into that Mother mode..we get a long really well. I do miss them but enjoy them more now. My oldest is home for a few days from NYC with her friend John. We laugh and have a good time together now. If you go to www.rubybullet you can listen to the band she is in. She plays the base and sings. I am always amazed at how much more my kids do then I would even dream of doing. True friends are rare and should be cherished! Happy Thoughts!!
Wow Karen, just on its own the term "post children" gives me a little shiver too. Where has the time gone?????
Seriously I'm awfully glad to hear that you feel accepting of your place in time now. It's hard to do I find. I honestly forget that I'm supposed to be a grown up and all. I think it's my involvement with the kids in my school. I found out that I'm several years older than Gary, my co-teacher. It was a surprise to both of us. I guess that's good.
I have just one good friend here that I count on and miss when she isn't available. Our boys really became my focus for so many years and filled my time with all their fun. I miss that sometimes but the time has come for them to take up their lives. It's o.k. sometimes but and not so o.k. others.
Seriously I'm awfully glad to hear that you feel accepting of your place in time now. It's hard to do I find. I honestly forget that I'm supposed to be a grown up and all. I think it's my involvement with the kids in my school. I found out that I'm several years older than Gary, my co-teacher. It was a surprise to both of us. I guess that's good.
I have just one good friend here that I count on and miss when she isn't available. Our boys really became my focus for so many years and filled my time with all their fun. I miss that sometimes but the time has come for them to take up their lives. It's o.k. sometimes but and not so o.k. others.
Yeah Karen, I think he was being funny or maybe the show was. His concept as you know was to save a bunch of money now while prices are high. I don't think it's going to pan out as I don't expect to see much price fluctuation downward. I think we'll see it go up and up and then level off somewhere for us to just get used to as something we can't change or do without. I remember living in lrutland, and watching the gas pump sign o over $1. I was positive I'd never pay over a buck and now .........................
So Lori tell us all about your visit with the Stearns. It was wonderful to see them at the reunion but still there just was't time for a real visit. Strangely one of the highlights of reunion was staying at the Hartness House. I'd wanted to do that since I was a little girll. Much as I enjoy my life here I sure do miss being close enough to see folks. Nobody is willing to drive up here and that includes relatives. We do all the travelling and it gets tiresome. That's the choice we make though. Dave wanted to move nearly 3 hours south and I dug my heels in. Just didn't want to leave whats familiar. too many moves in my life already, I guess.got tired of the change and starting over. Without the boys to come with us, I'd be miserable wondering about them.
Karen, how have you done with your move as far as socializing and making new "girlfriends".
So Lori tell us all about your visit with the Stearns. It was wonderful to see them at the reunion but still there just was't time for a real visit. Strangely one of the highlights of reunion was staying at the Hartness House. I'd wanted to do that since I was a little girll. Much as I enjoy my life here I sure do miss being close enough to see folks. Nobody is willing to drive up here and that includes relatives. We do all the travelling and it gets tiresome. That's the choice we make though. Dave wanted to move nearly 3 hours south and I dug my heels in. Just didn't want to leave whats familiar. too many moves in my life already, I guess.got tired of the change and starting over. Without the boys to come with us, I'd be miserable wondering about them.
Karen, how have you done with your move as far as socializing and making new "girlfriends".
Monday, September 26, 2005
Hey Karen I saw your Gov. being interviewed about his "snow days" on TV news this a.m.
I learned how to do that stuff when I started this job. I spent time learning it, doing it, showing the kids it, and just faking it!!! Gary has many years experience and I'm learning as i go. I really enjoy it. Tonight after school I used the table saw to cut my desk drawers back so that they would fit into the desk They have swollen up over the years and I couldn't shut them. Now I can. It's really wonderful to be able to take care of your own business.
I learned how to do that stuff when I started this job. I spent time learning it, doing it, showing the kids it, and just faking it!!! Gary has many years experience and I'm learning as i go. I really enjoy it. Tonight after school I used the table saw to cut my desk drawers back so that they would fit into the desk They have swollen up over the years and I couldn't shut them. Now I can. It's really wonderful to be able to take care of your own business.
Lori, my new area of teaching is called Technology Education. Gary, my "team teacher" likes to describe it as shop meets science. We have so far this year, in the 4 weeks we've been in done an amazing array of things. The 6th grade learns the basics of construction and flight and learning to think for themselves and to be imaginative and creative. We've built towers, cranes, rockets, and airplanes, from paper and craft sticks basically. The 7th grade has made ice scrapers from plexi-glass; stronger than you could buy in your local store. They had to use a variety of power and hand tools for this project as well as design the scraper. Then we spent a week on hand drafting and this week go into a wood working project. The 8th grade is independent study. Gary like to say that if they can think of it and it's legal, we'll build it. Candle making, clocks with picture frame in them, picture frames, silk screening, dirt bike stands from metal, stained glass, candy dishes make from plastics, stools, it's just amazing really. All of this has to be accomplished in a 5 week period. We have the 3 grades of students for 90 minutes each every day. It's a new program (timing only) this year. Exhausting and exhilarating. We start with a new group of students every 5 weeks or so throughout the year.
Better go get ready to go. Have a beautiful day folks - yes Roland I wrote down your e-mail address.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Lori, I hope you brought your warm fuzzies with you to Vermont. Here in Springfield highs were in the 40s...guess my blood was thinned by our warm summer!!! Right now I am wearing fleece! Neil told me to go find my mittens too! Fall is definitly here today! Glad you are getting to visit with Janice and Butch. We went to Wellwood Orchard today and picked apples. I made apple crisp for dinner....I have to say...its was pretty tasty! It is certainly encouraging to hear of all the good things that people are doing for those affected by Katrina/Rita. Personally, I limit my news watching. Lots of the media just want to suck us into sensationalism and panic. I wish everyone Happy Thoughts! and me, warmth! Karen, send up the sunshine!
Been volunteering with the red Cross in the midst of all this mess we've had here. Its been amazing at just how wonderful people have been and contrarty to what you see on the news there are sooooo many success stories and people either being aided by the churches or actually being "saved" by witnessing. It just makes me realize how fortunate I really am not only to have good health but relative good fortune. Our church (the summitchurch.com) has had many members helping and giving without end. Yes, our gov did call off school this next week for a few days to help and I had found him a refreshing breath to the ugly politics that had previously been here. You can't blame the Gov for the mess at the pumps it the news media, greed, and just plain stupidity in that order. Ch 11 was saying something about 4-5.00 per gal also. My opinion of them in the couverage of this disaster has gone WAY down hill. Such sensationalism and no real good semitarian stories. My dad was in the oil business and his comment was only that they are still playing their games....now, if you want to make laws there should be one to limit the price on necessities. Utilities are a necessity today and no longer a luxury item or one which should be over "profitized". Enough said. Course my cousin in Ireland dosen't know what I am complaining about she was paying over 3.00gal years ago. ciao for now. Peace to ya'll.
Yesterday was a beautiful day in Vermont. I went with my sister and her husband to meet her friend from high school who she hasn't seen for more than 30 years (Joan Whalen). They were giggling like old times. And now I'm waiting for Janice and Butch to come. They're driving up to see me today. Kathi, I like your positive attitude. Thanks for reminding us all to enjoy our families and appreciate what we have.
I did have some bad news recently, though, from a friend in Israel. Her son committed suicide. He was in the army there and must have been having a hard time, though no one really knew that. We're all still in shock. It's especially hard because she's divorced and he was her only child. Sorry to bring up bad news. Just had to share that with all of you.
Patti, I don't quite get what you're teaching? Is it shop? I thought you teach computers?
I did have some bad news recently, though, from a friend in Israel. Her son committed suicide. He was in the army there and must have been having a hard time, though no one really knew that. We're all still in shock. It's especially hard because she's divorced and he was her only child. Sorry to bring up bad news. Just had to share that with all of you.
Patti, I don't quite get what you're teaching? Is it shop? I thought you teach computers?
Glad you're in safely Lori and enjoying the beauty of northern VT.
Picked up gas at $2.77 Friday after school. It's rumored that it will hit $5. a gallon here shorty so I'm planning to watch and try to remember to keep the tank topped off. What a pain.
Karen, it's a shame your governor is causing this kind of panic. The gentlman I teach with also works for an oil company and the amount of oil in storage here in the US is astounding. There is no shortage, not even here where it's going to be really cold. The problem could come eventually he says if the refineries are destroyed. At some point the existing oil will be used if there are no replacemnets then clearly that's a huge issue but that is not expected by the those actually deally with it. I haven't seen the news this a.m. but as far as I have heard the refineries on the gulf coast are still in place.
Picked up gas at $2.77 Friday after school. It's rumored that it will hit $5. a gallon here shorty so I'm planning to watch and try to remember to keep the tank topped off. What a pain.
Karen, it's a shame your governor is causing this kind of panic. The gentlman I teach with also works for an oil company and the amount of oil in storage here in the US is astounding. There is no shortage, not even here where it's going to be really cold. The problem could come eventually he says if the refineries are destroyed. At some point the existing oil will be used if there are no replacemnets then clearly that's a huge issue but that is not expected by the those actually deally with it. I haven't seen the news this a.m. but as far as I have heard the refineries on the gulf coast are still in place.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
I didn't go by any gas stations today so not sure of the price. I had heard yesterday, at the bank no lesss, that the T-Bird Station on Clinton Street would be raising the gas to four to $5 a gallon. So, I don't know if they did or not. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Hope you have a full tank Karen...Good luck and happy thoughts!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Lori, enjoy your family! Embrace the moments....I came across a picture of my brother Kevin, taken 4 years ago before our mother died, we were all raking the leaves and cleaning up her yard...and he threw me in the leaves..so there is this picture of him laughing covering me in the leaves. And that is how I like to remember him... Nothing can take those memories away...so enjoy and smile!
We hope for the best on the gulf coast...and that everyone stays safe.
Have a great weekend and enjoy our sunshine! Happy Thoughts...
We hope for the best on the gulf coast...and that everyone stays safe.
Have a great weekend and enjoy our sunshine! Happy Thoughts...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Boy Kathi, you're right, most of New England used to seem all land locked to me and I wanted to be nearer the water. Not so much with global warming wrecking havoc on our oceans.
Travel safely Lori, an uneventful ride is my wish for you tonight. We're still enjoying a beautiful fall day and chilly evening temps. Sounds like VT will be the same for you when you get there.
Jane and Nancy live in the Plano, TX area which is near Dallas. I'm not sure who else may be living in TX and I don't know of anyone along the coast. I'm hoping for the best but it doesn't look good.
Travel safely Lori, an uneventful ride is my wish for you tonight. We're still enjoying a beautiful fall day and chilly evening temps. Sounds like VT will be the same for you when you get there.
Jane and Nancy live in the Plano, TX area which is near Dallas. I'm not sure who else may be living in TX and I don't know of anyone along the coast. I'm hoping for the best but it doesn't look good.
Maybe it was better when we were all innocent and the news didn't report things live....Lori, I hope your flight is smooth and uneventful. Luckily, there aren't that many incidents like that! Think of all the times we have all flown without problems. Another beautiful day here. Last day of summer....I always think its sad! The season seems so short. Hard to realize its almost the end of September. I pray that Rita isn't as severe as they fear. Vermont seems like the place to be right now! Please keep safe....happy thoughts.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Lori you set it up and I'm good to go. Seriously, for many years this is something I've longed to do.
We're hoping Karen, that no one wigs out on us and so far so good. However, we've found out after the fact that some of our students have "control issues". It's a little unnerving when you have a temper encounter with someone and find out later you were lucky they didn't blow up on you. A little info ahead of time would be nice. You know?????
We're hoping Karen, that no one wigs out on us and so far so good. However, we've found out after the fact that some of our students have "control issues". It's a little unnerving when you have a temper encounter with someone and find out later you were lucky they didn't blow up on you. A little info ahead of time would be nice. You know?????
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Beautiful fall day here today, too! Never enough of them...rain coming in tomorrow. Lawn is mowed so that's good news...maybe it won't need doing again until the leaves fall off and we can mulch them. You can tell its full moon time with kids at school....hyper! Maybe I'm just getting too old for Kindergarten! My grandson, Caleb, will be 3 years old tomorrow. How time does fly! Makes you want to capture all those precious moments and hold them close to your heart. Hope everyone is well. Happy Thoughts!
Putting those tools to use will be a lot of fun I think. Today the table saw was demonstrated but not by me. Other than a lathe there's nothing else they'll need to know aout this year. I need to decide what I want to build. I was thinking of starting with a cribbage board but that's just a lot of drilling. Maybe a coffee table or a book case.
It's a perfect fall day again. Now that the potato harvest has officially begun we need loads of days just like this one. The rain this past weekend was nasty. It's past now though.
Lori I want you to take me to Jerusalem. what do you think of that?
It's a perfect fall day again. Now that the potato harvest has officially begun we need loads of days just like this one. The rain this past weekend was nasty. It's past now though.
Lori I want you to take me to Jerusalem. what do you think of that?
Friday, September 16, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
We decided not to go over at all until Vet.'s Day in November Lori so it's going to be a while for us. Hopefully next time you're heading to NE we'll be able to plan in advance so we can get together.
Gorgeous sunny day here in PI. perfect fall weather. I should be sittin out at a soccer game. think I'll take a book out to the deck instead.
In the last 4 days of school I've learned to use the following: band saw, scroll saw, disk belt sander, 1/2 belt sander, planer, jointer, and vsr drill. Now if only I had the time during school hours to start building something. Actually i am making a snow scraper. It's quite fabulous but I'd like to make a cribbage board i think. Then on to bigger and better things.
Gorgeous sunny day here in PI. perfect fall weather. I should be sittin out at a soccer game. think I'll take a book out to the deck instead.
In the last 4 days of school I've learned to use the following: band saw, scroll saw, disk belt sander, 1/2 belt sander, planer, jointer, and vsr drill. Now if only I had the time during school hours to start building something. Actually i am making a snow scraper. It's quite fabulous but I'd like to make a cribbage board i think. Then on to bigger and better things.
I'm withdrawing my request to be adopted if those are the conditions!!!
Patti, I guess I'll be missing you by a day. Too bad. I'm leaving Friday morning, and you'll probably be getting there Friday night. I could have stayed for the weekend if I had planned it in advance, but I already planned to have a stopover in N.Y. on the way back so I can visit 2 friends in New Jersey who moved back there from Israel. We'll work it out next time!
Patti, I guess I'll be missing you by a day. Too bad. I'm leaving Friday morning, and you'll probably be getting there Friday night. I could have stayed for the weekend if I had planned it in advance, but I already planned to have a stopover in N.Y. on the way back so I can visit 2 friends in New Jersey who moved back there from Israel. We'll work it out next time!
Somebody wants to be Lady of the Manor.....I don't think its suppose to work like that anymore but nice try Karen!! I guess Vt is hoping all the leaf peepers will be out on Columbus Weekend. Gas was down to 2.94 last night. Funny how once its lower then $3 we think we are getting a bargain....Its suppose to be 90 here again today. Nice last touch of summer....too nice to be in school! haha. The weather will change real fast I am sure..predicted 70s Friday. Have a good Wednesday everybody...Happy Thoughts!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Hey folks, this is quite a love fest going on. Just how many extra bedroms have got there Karen? Sounds like you're gonna need them. Funny how the nest seems to re-fill........
So last night I'm looking on the internet to get a room for a couple a nights over Columbus Day Weekend to go back and spend some more time with my dad. I guess I should have remembered this since Dave and I were married 26 years ago CD weekend; there are no rooms available within a 50 mile radius of Burlington. Don't you find that hard to believe!?! Guess I'd forgotten just how beautiful those trees get.
Taking our trailer over would cost a trememdous amount with the gas but I may end up that way.
So last night I'm looking on the internet to get a room for a couple a nights over Columbus Day Weekend to go back and spend some more time with my dad. I guess I should have remembered this since Dave and I were married 26 years ago CD weekend; there are no rooms available within a 50 mile radius of Burlington. Don't you find that hard to believe!?! Guess I'd forgotten just how beautiful those trees get.
Taking our trailer over would cost a trememdous amount with the gas but I may end up that way.
I can only adopt you if you don't mind cleaning, doing laundry, cooking and yardwork ... oh yeah, and addressing me with "Maam". Tough Love!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Everybody wants to be adopted! Friendship is great. I was/am actually freezing here today. It was only in the 60s, so Richard you are very courageous to jump into the pool. Our house is great in the summer when it is hot outside being nice and cool but this time of the year is cold. Neil told me I need to get my mittens out and not rely on him as a bodywarmer. Oh well....warm again tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Happy Thoughts....
Happy Thoughts....
dinner with karen and rich was great and i mean the connection, the company, the comfort of their home, the food, the fam, the cutest dog you ever saw. i was hoping that karen would adopt me and came just short of asking her to sign the adoption papers that i had the foresight to bring with me. we talked until late/early and it was really great. i am back in vt with cool but beautiful conditions. i am about to jump in the pool as this may be the last day that i can jump in as a man and not come out a boy.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Thanks for the kind words. I had an excellent visit with Richard, he looks great and I think we covered some good ground ... past, present, and future. I am so impressed with his talents and insight. It has been really fun to reconnect with high school friends. I had a great time with Kathi this summer and it was surprising to me with both how easily the conversation flowed. I don't know if it is that we have that past link or just that we are mature now, but it has been rewarding. Thanks Kathi and Richard for initiating the contact. Here it has been absolutely gorgeous weather. At my house kids are coming and going (Richard got to meet the entire bunch). I have some company lined up for the fall ( my sister for one, and friends)a weekend in Lexington, KY in Oct., a trip back to VT for a long weekend, and then we will be heading into the holiday season. About this time of year I start looking for fall festivals ... they always remind me of VT. Happy fall to all!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Karen looks great, don't let her fool you!
The weather is changing to fall...its cooler in the mornings, warm during the day and cooler /darker faster in the evenings. The summer produce is done and winter squash, beets, and pumpkins are thriving. I bought mums for my garden....I still have a few roses blossoming, lots of zinnas and marigolds. The putunias are on their last legs. Spent a couple hours tonight mowing our field up by the garden...we are down to one crappy push mower...Neil took the other one apart...guess what that means! haha....it might get put back and work...or it might not! It is always amazing to begin the school year with 5 year olds and marvel how many dont' wash their hands after using the bathroom...(at home)...don't know how to sit still....play with others...among lots of other things...you never assume they know..you just model and show! But all and all they are pretty endearing and I am exhausted at 3:30! Just getting old!!!! Anyways, hope everyone is well....happy thoughts!
The weather is changing to fall...its cooler in the mornings, warm during the day and cooler /darker faster in the evenings. The summer produce is done and winter squash, beets, and pumpkins are thriving. I bought mums for my garden....I still have a few roses blossoming, lots of zinnas and marigolds. The putunias are on their last legs. Spent a couple hours tonight mowing our field up by the garden...we are down to one crappy push mower...Neil took the other one apart...guess what that means! haha....it might get put back and work...or it might not! It is always amazing to begin the school year with 5 year olds and marvel how many dont' wash their hands after using the bathroom...(at home)...don't know how to sit still....play with others...among lots of other things...you never assume they know..you just model and show! But all and all they are pretty endearing and I am exhausted at 3:30! Just getting old!!!! Anyways, hope everyone is well....happy thoughts!
I'm sure you look as beautiful as ever, Karen! Forget the diet!
Too bad it won't work out this time, Patti, but I'm sure it will at one time or another. I don't really have a set time that I go there. We've also gone in the winter, but fall is my favorite time. I love the foliage. Sometimes I go twice a year, so if I get there again, I'll definitely let you know!
Too bad it won't work out this time, Patti, but I'm sure it will at one time or another. I don't really have a set time that I go there. We've also gone in the winter, but fall is my favorite time. I love the foliage. Sometimes I go twice a year, so if I get there again, I'll definitely let you know!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Well I certainly was reminded last weekend of how beautiful VT is. Just gorgeous. I'm heading back to Burlington Columbas Day weekend and will hopefully get to see the fall colors before they fade.
Dad is settled in and happy to be back "home". He's hoping I'll come overy regularly though and so I guess there's gonna be a lot of driving going on. He's as far away from me in Burlington asnd he was in FL. It's just a wicked long car ride instead of a plane. Strange. On a 3 day weekend each trip will basically be drive a day - stay a day - drive a day.
Maybe one of my trips over, I'll be able to catch you at home Richard. How was the Champlain Valley Fair? Have fun in Atlanta with Karen.
I'm disappointed about missing you Lori but hopefully next trip you make. Do you come over once in the fall or other times as well?
Dad is settled in and happy to be back "home". He's hoping I'll come overy regularly though and so I guess there's gonna be a lot of driving going on. He's as far away from me in Burlington asnd he was in FL. It's just a wicked long car ride instead of a plane. Strange. On a 3 day weekend each trip will basically be drive a day - stay a day - drive a day.
Maybe one of my trips over, I'll be able to catch you at home Richard. How was the Champlain Valley Fair? Have fun in Atlanta with Karen.
I'm disappointed about missing you Lori but hopefully next trip you make. Do you come over once in the fall or other times as well?
Okay, Richard is coming to town and I am really looking forward to it ..... now, can anyone tell me a good diet that drops about 20 lbs a day!!! Ha Haaaaaaah!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Atlanta, ho! I'm on my way tomorrow. I hope that I can see Karen and Rich (maybe Thursday night works, Karen??) Being 72-centric, I promise to defend Karen on any differences on remembering the way things were. Pat, I ran out of Burlington to the Northeast Kingdom as soon as I heard you were here (but it wasn't because of you- I just thought that I would say it in kind of a dramatic way). Gerda and I spent the weekend with our gourmet club at a friends camp. It was so great. I hit deep relaxation early and stayed there. We were kayaking and biking and, oh yeah, drinking and eating and drinking and eating. Sorry we couldn't at least talk by phone. I know how busy family keeps you, even when you aren't doing anything. For example, my mother in law is here now and I think I may see Gerda sometime on Saturday.
Yes, we've been glued to the TV, too, shocked at what's been going on in New Orleans. The description of the conditions in the Superdome sounded like something in a book I read, called "Blindness," by Jose Saramago--no power, no running water, barely any food, no place to go to the bathroom, dead bodies around. Terrible....
Karen, that's nice that you'll be seeing Richard next week. Did you see each other at the 30th reunion? We're also planning to meet when I'm in Burlington at the end of the month. Patti, how did your visit with your father go?
Karen, that's nice that you'll be seeing Richard next week. Did you see each other at the 30th reunion? We're also planning to meet when I'm in Burlington at the end of the month. Patti, how did your visit with your father go?
Monday, September 05, 2005
Hi, We are having absolutely gorgeous weather here but a lot of the time I have been glued to the TV watching the coverage of Katrina ... how unimaginably horrible. I know the Atlanta area has already received some people in their hospitals, and probably shelters and homes as well. This weekend I have come down with some upper respiratory thing that my kids had before me, so I haven't been moving too quickly. We had some friends from SC visiting on Fri and made a visit to friends in the GA mountains on Sat. My mom's brother, my Uncle Mike, died last week in Springfield but I did not go home for the services. Thats the hard part of living so far away. Tonight, my oldest son who goes to college in Cincinnati, will be flying home for the week. Next week I may get to visit with Richard while he is in Atlanta. I hope that everyone has had a great Labor Day weekend, spent with people you love ... stay safe!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Good morning Lori, Yep, we heading over to Vt this weekend. I tried to set it for later in the month but Dad really wanted us to be there this weekend. I think to show his side of the family is involved in the process also. Rachel's family made all the arrangements for the move. I think he's feeling like he's being dragged along.
We leave tonight and plan to stay with Dave's Dad at the half way mark and then head over in the a.m. Probably get there early afternoon Sat. Dad won't arrive until sunday afternoon. We're staying at the Fairfield Inn in Colchester. Wish Carburs was still there, we'd love to go over there for a couple of beers around the world. We'll be leaving lunch time Monday to come back. so it's a pretty short trip over.
We're up to $3.19 a gallon for gas now. That more than the long drive is more likely to keep me from going back over in a couple of weeks. I haven't made a decision yet though. I really would love to see you.
We leave tonight and plan to stay with Dave's Dad at the half way mark and then head over in the a.m. Probably get there early afternoon Sat. Dad won't arrive until sunday afternoon. We're staying at the Fairfield Inn in Colchester. Wish Carburs was still there, we'd love to go over there for a couple of beers around the world. We'll be leaving lunch time Monday to come back. so it's a pretty short trip over.
We're up to $3.19 a gallon for gas now. That more than the long drive is more likely to keep me from going back over in a couple of weeks. I haven't made a decision yet though. I really would love to see you.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Today is the first day with Kindergarten students. They will be so cute! Hopefully, they will stay that way, when their real personalities come out! Patti, have you started school yet? Rainy here for the last few days...more so then all summer. We wish for only Happy Thoughts in the disaster of Katrina. Guess we shouldn't complain about the snow....
Monday, August 29, 2005
hi karen, i did not get your email cuz i am not using my old email address. i'll update my listing. i just use rloveless@hubersuhner.com now. i'll write to you.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Richard, you reminded me of the summer after I was married and moved to Schenectady. I worked at a camp for handicapped kids and at the end of the sessions I got an award "To the sweet girl with the bad mouth". Still proud of that one! I am turning 51 this Sunday, not sure what the plans are. They are seldom wild now. By the beginning of the week we are going to get some rain from Katrina. I am worried about losing trees as that has already happened in past storms. We took our soph. back to college last weekend in about 95 degree temps. It has been nice this week though. This morning I watched a mother and two fawns eat the corn we put out and play in the back yard. Richard, did you get my email question about realtors in Springfield?
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Guess summer must be winding down and we are all back closer to the computer. Its nice hearing what everybody is up to.
Our friend finished putting the new light switches and wiring in our kitchen this morning and I touched up the paint on the sanded areas. My one big project finished just in time....before school starts. So I am excited about that. Patti, it will be nice having a spankin' new school to work at. They are suppose to "redo" Union Street, Elm Hill, and update Park Street schools in the future. Voters rejected the proposed consolidated school...so, we will see what brilliant ideas they will come up with.
F.Y.I Bo Birsky's memorial service is in Springfield on Saturday at St. Mary's.
Happy Thoughts...
Our friend finished putting the new light switches and wiring in our kitchen this morning and I touched up the paint on the sanded areas. My one big project finished just in time....before school starts. So I am excited about that. Patti, it will be nice having a spankin' new school to work at. They are suppose to "redo" Union Street, Elm Hill, and update Park Street schools in the future. Voters rejected the proposed consolidated school...so, we will see what brilliant ideas they will come up with.
F.Y.I Bo Birsky's memorial service is in Springfield on Saturday at St. Mary's.
Happy Thoughts...
Patti, glad to know your memory's coming back! My sister's even worse, though. She doesn't remember her own sister (ME!) visiting her at college in Wisconsin before we moved to Israel.
Good to see you here again, Jerry!
Yes, I know the "enabler" thing. Our kids never stop being kids. My middle son is always reminding me that they're adults now, but I keep calling them kids.
Richard, don't disappear. We miss your observations!
Good to see you here again, Jerry!
Yes, I know the "enabler" thing. Our kids never stop being kids. My middle son is always reminding me that they're adults now, but I keep calling them kids.
Richard, don't disappear. We miss your observations!
WOWEE!!! Hard to believe I was last in here a whole month ago today! How time does really fly. I've got today off to go to a state beach on Newfound Lake near Bristol, NH with my friend Carol who really likes that lake. Last Tuesday we went on the very nice 90-minute cruise around Squam Lake in Holderness where "On Golden Pond" was filmed. Got to see a loon with binoculars off the 3 o'clock side of the boat, and then the real treat was seeing the protected little island where bald eagles have nested. Saw three of them including the very large chick and the HUGE nest atop a pine tree. One of the adults took off in flight for us. Our driver/guide gave us some of the inside scoop on the filming of the movie and where Katherine Hepburn changed her clothes by herself instead of with others. Thanks for setting me straight on your cousin Larry, Karen. Glad Neil is back to work following surgery, Kathi. Yeah, the garden needed some more shade on South Street so those big basswood trees came down. I haven't seen it yet. Glad you had fun working the fair, Pat. Hope you're back in the right time zone, Lori. Been out on Lake Champlain, Richard? Have fun everyone. I'll try to be back sooner next time. Jerry
Monday, August 22, 2005
Funny how us parents are the ones doing most of the lifting, carrying, and paying for!!! I don't remember it being quite that good for us back in the old days! haha. Where is your son going to school? It'll seem strange around the house for a while but somehow we get by...then they come back and we start all over again. My daughter and her boyfriend were here from NYC this weekend and we had a good time together. Now we can be more friends. She is doing all this sewing and selling on ebay so she went through all my fabric, etc....of course, that meant I had to clean out the closet to get to the stuff. Wonder who was left to sort and put it all back....hummmmm...good guess..ME! But when I am done, it will be good and cleaned out! School starts for me on Thursday. As I said before I am just getting into vacation...2 more days. And my son is borrowing my car to get to West Leb to work as his car is in the shop....hopefully, not too much $$$ and days later, I'll have mine back. See, thats what we parents do. I hope that you can all get together for a good visit this fall. Happy Thoughts!
Lori I do remember the apartment quite well actually. I spent a lot of weekends there while going to Castleton and Janice held a wedding shower for me there as well. Boy that was quite a while ago wasn't it? So now, I do have a very vague memory of our last time together.
School is finally going to start for us with students on the 8th but a community opening house on the 6th so we have to be ready by then. Still not allowed in the building though until the 31st. Those who have "snuck" in say it's never going to be ready on time.
We are about to make national headlines with a court case that will begin this week, today in fact in Augusta. The case is in regard to a 7th grade science teacher vs the school administration. He feels his civil rights were trampled on by the curriculum changes made that would no longer allow him to teach as wide a field of study. That's the short version. We've been waiting for 2 years to get this over with. A year ago when it began to become more publicly known there were blogs that were talking about us ignorant backward Northern Mainers stifling the creativity of one of it's more forward thinking instructors. What bull.
The case is expected to take 4-5 days. I'll be glad when this weeks is over.
School is finally going to start for us with students on the 8th but a community opening house on the 6th so we have to be ready by then. Still not allowed in the building though until the 31st. Those who have "snuck" in say it's never going to be ready on time.
We are about to make national headlines with a court case that will begin this week, today in fact in Augusta. The case is in regard to a 7th grade science teacher vs the school administration. He feels his civil rights were trampled on by the curriculum changes made that would no longer allow him to teach as wide a field of study. That's the short version. We've been waiting for 2 years to get this over with. A year ago when it began to become more publicly known there were blogs that were talking about us ignorant backward Northern Mainers stifling the creativity of one of it's more forward thinking instructors. What bull.
The case is expected to take 4-5 days. I'll be glad when this weeks is over.
Nice to see you back Richard. I don't remember how many apartments we've helpoed our sons move into. Or back out of for that matter. Doesn't seem to get easier but that's because I'm an enabler. I like to be as involved as they will allow. sounds a little like this morning's Dr. Phil show. Hmmmmm..........
hi, i don't have much to report- just being friendly. i am also winding toward the end of summer here. i am so sorry to see it go. i helped to move my older son into his first apartment during the last week. i hope he gets better at moving, cuz i sure carried a lot of the load, bought the pizza, etc.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Can't believe summer is rolling to a close. School this week. Funny how I just start getting into the vacation mode and its time to go back...probably just trying to feel like what retirement would be like....hahah...another 15 years or so.....I'll be like those teachers we thought were so OLD. I am sure the weather will get very hot for the end of Aug and Sept...Once I am actually there and in the moment everything is fine! Its the getting there. My daughter and her boyfriend are up fro NYC this weekend. We are going material shopping, as she remodels old band t-shirts and sells them on ebay. It'll be fun. Happy Thoughts and hope all is well with all of you.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Kathi I'm glad you got more French's instead of the Gulden's color. Paint often is not quite what you hope for first time around. It sure makes a difference in a room to have fresh color doesn't it?
Lori I'm still waiting to see wht happens with the start of school. I'm even thinking about making the trip in Sept. regardless of whether or not I make Labor Day weekend. I would just love to see you. How many years has it been? Any idea? Too many that's for sure.
Where is Richard?? Are you alright out there??
Lori I'm still waiting to see wht happens with the start of school. I'm even thinking about making the trip in Sept. regardless of whether or not I make Labor Day weekend. I would just love to see you. How many years has it been? Any idea? Too many that's for sure.
Where is Richard?? Are you alright out there??
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Lori, I really don't do that much! School is starting in less then 2 weeks, so I figured I better get "something" in my house done. The other stuff was necessary because Neil couldn't do it....but Now he CAN! haha. It is in the low 90s here today...lots of humidity. Did get the other yellow put up over the mustard....golden yellow...and now have a lighter yellow...hopefully one coat will look good because after putting on 3 already I am not in the mood!! Making BLT's for supper....tomatoes from the garden! Happy Thoughts...
Kathi, you are definitely not lazy. Gardening, weeding, mowing, painting..... I admire how hard-working you are!
Patti, I guess I'll just miss that Columbus Day weekend. Too bad. But now that your father's going to be in Burlington, I'm sure it will work out to get together one of these days. I'm still hoping it will work out somehow this time!
Richard, are you there? What about you? Are you going to be in town at that time, towards the end of September?
Patti, I guess I'll just miss that Columbus Day weekend. Too bad. But now that your father's going to be in Burlington, I'm sure it will work out to get together one of these days. I'm still hoping it will work out somehow this time!
Richard, are you there? What about you? Are you going to be in town at that time, towards the end of September?
Well, we got rain last night! It poured through the night so that was great especially now that its going to be in the high 80s. Probably just enough to make the grass grow to mow again....I painted my kitchen yesterday..It was suppose to be a golden yellow....first coat has come out like mustard....not quite what I had in mind..Karen I need a decorator!! I think I wanted it more corn puff color not guldens....oh well, have to think what to do...another coat or a glaze....that is why I usually pick Dover White....you can't mess up! Wish me luck. Happy Thoughts!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Lori I wish you were going to be staying through Columbus Day weekend. It's a long weekend and Dave was suggesting that for us since school opening is getting all the more screwed up. We're back to not knowing when the building will opening and once it does we'll probably have no more than 3 days to completely do over our new rooms and get prepared for students. It's still a hard hat area and no one can get in. Latest report from the superintendant is he'll announce on the 19th.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Everybody do a rain dance for Springfield. We have had almost no rain since the beginning of July. Everything is dry especially the gardens. Yesterday I was in Charlestown at a friends pool and they had a huge thunderstorm and almost 3 hours of rain. As we drove across the "toll" bridge there was absolutely no rain on the Springfield side. Strange how that happens. I have new kitchen lights and outlets..I have washed the walls and woodwork and now must go to the paint store and pick up the paint. It was my big summer project that I wanted to get done before school started...which is the 23rd for teachers...26 for kids...and time is getting close...so I guess I better get a move on! I will put the painters tape on early in the am, go to the store, and hopefully get the walls painted one coat tomorrow. So, wish me luck! Happy Thoughts...
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Okay, Patti, see how you feel about the long trip and let me know if it will work out for you! The weekend of Sept. 24 and 25 would be the best for me cuz my sister has plans that weekend to meet a high school friend she also hasn't seen in about 30 years. The following weekend we'll probably be busy with family cuz my brother will be taking some time off then. Be in touch...
Karen, I had to think for awhile about the dates. Mom died in Oct of 89. We'd only been in Essex Jct. for a couple of months I think when she was hospitalized in late May of that year. So that means we left Rutland in '89. We only stayed in Essex Jct. for 18 months before we moved up here. The past 15 years have gone by quickly.
I remember the summer fun in Ludlow very well. We had such a great time!
I remember the summer fun in Ludlow very well. We had such a great time!
Lori it would be so fabulous to see you in late Sept. I need to go over Labor Day since that's when he's first moving in and I want to be part of the process and not leave it all to Rachel's family. However, after I see how long it takes to get over there maybe I can make plans to go back at the end of the month. If memory serves, the last time we went from here to Essex Jct. it was 8 hours or so.
I'd really love to see you. Karen V and I had been writing often and we had a good visit during our reunion get together supper at the Hartness House. Somehow we've managed to stopped writing to each other again. Funny how that happens. The best of intentions dont' seem to pan out.
I'd really love to see you. Karen V and I had been writing often and we had a good visit during our reunion get together supper at the Hartness House. Somehow we've managed to stopped writing to each other again. Funny how that happens. The best of intentions dont' seem to pan out.